
Fully transparent communism is a winning strategy. the problem is that all of our real world communism examples are not transparent. This tends to breed corruption. We are not super transparent in the US either but since we have 4 year elections with proper safeguards to insure each state gets a fair shake it means

Most of the articles I’ve seen about this don’t mention that it was suicide.

Satire is inherently subversive, so that’s out. Ditto irony and surrealism. Their attempts at parody tend to crash and burn because they don’t really understand art or its appeal. They’re not usually smart enough for witticisms and wordplay. So that leaves them with a) slapstick, b) insult comedy, and c) an extremely

I usually say “Merry Christmas” when it’s literally Christmas and something about the holidays when I’m talking about the general season. It’s, you know, not hard.  

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

D&D lore is just a parallel to what’s happening in the show. They name the enemies based off of their similarities in the game(Because they’re kids and that’s what kids do). They’re not actually those enemies from the game.

they indeed really need to face charges, whether they will is another story...

Damn, this is fucked up. Everyone involved, from the guards who first injured him, to the ones who ignored him, to the doctors that “examined” him, need to face charges over this and lose whatever licenses they have for life.

Hard-working immigrant achieves the American dream of constantly failing upward” should be the headline of the story of where he lands next.

Pretty sure the ship sailed well before that, in the mid-90s, when they all voted for a GOP-controlled Senate led by Newt Gingrich, who married his high school geometry teacher at age 18, divorced her for a younger model when she became too cancer-raddled, then cheated on wifey 2 at age 58 with future wifey 3 (23

- attacks a plus-sized swimsuit model as “not beautiful” for no discernible reason other than to be an ass and get his fading name back in the news

He say “postmodern neo-Marxist view” in the first 30 seconds. That’s a phrase that means absolutely nothing and combines two ideas that are often in opposition. He also makes a case against capitalism in the first 2 minutes that he probably wouldn’t recognize. 

It’s just dehumanizing “sheeple” or Holden Caulfield’s “phonies” repackaged for the 21st century. The NPC term is very online but the narcissism isn’t.

Don’t think it’s necessarily a growing up with social media thing.
There’s always going to be people who only see others as shallow and unthinking. Be it “sheeple”, “normies”, or “npc”. Always that feeling like they’re so special (yet insecure), but really being immature and oblivious to the depths of those around them.

Can anyone explain to me how $240k (let alone the original $45k) is going to fund multiple developers on a potentially multi-year project? Even at a measley $15/hr ($31.2k/year), even the current funding (more than 5x their goal!)  is only 16k person-hours, or about 7.7 person-years of work.

Cult, yes. The Cult of the Sunken Cost.

There needs to be more discussion, I agree, and not just whispers in the shadows, because the whispers often make an evaluation of the situation change.

The guy he chased in that incident both forgave him and endorsed him. But hey, nurse your grudge. 

No, it means we’re a failed democracy where the political class doesn’t reflect the will of the people.”

35% of the American population is over 200 million people.