
Comcast gives you the option to "Record to a VCR" if you hit the record button but your cable box is not a DVR box. I wonder how many people out there do that.

He does. It's generic cock rock stuff. It's not hard to find since he decided to call them The Michael Chiklis Band.

Chiklis has been too busy lately pimping his band.

I remember watching a part of that and thinking, "Hmmm… palm trees in Bolingbrook, IL?! They spared no expense for authenticity on this film."

I had no idea there were that many variations.

Can they take Happy with them? I would be upset if Happy died.

Was he just a producer on Grandma's Boy or did he write some of that, too?

Oh, Christ…. the courtroom scene at the end of Big Daddy is cringe inducing.

GTA V was great, but the torture mission was entirely too long.

"And of course why the fuck does Powerade waste they're time doing that when every sane person is just gonna"… buy Gatorade.

Sam Worthington. LOL.

Last Dance with Sharon Stone is my "go to" Beresford film.

I hope the next time, we get the REAL Spiderman origin story.

McNulty was on Hell on Wheels this year, too.

I've got a sick feeling they will be at Lolla.

It was probably the same person that sold Kinja to Deadspin.

He didn't kill it. He ripped the throat out. The zombie didn't actually "die" until he separated the jaw using the femur.

Ben Nichols FTW!

Lt Mark Rumsfeld - The Burbs

"What would Joe do? He'd shoot all the bad guys and smoke some cigarettes."