
At least she ended it for now...

Screw this, bring back Toy Commander!

If you have kids a hidden room should top your birthday list.

Well I for one am happy, now my colon can get a rest after the mario kart happy meals. Friggin things nearly gave me diabetes...

Sniff they grow up so fast!

I'm good with this, if you can't have the original cast then at least make it different.

If Vigo could have only tapped into the YouTube comments database he would have been unstoppable

Yeah that was the worst movie ever, it was like twenty seconds long!!

if someone made a case like that I would seriously worry about the future of my bank account!

A suggested warning tweet could be "will either fix you, do nothing, or kill you"

Wow so presently millions of waitresses could be saying, "is Brad's Drink okay?"

Do people really not understand the difference between a writer and a director? If he co-wrote the story like Singer did with Superman Returns I could understand, but the majority of the blame should go to the screenwriters.

I smell a match up!

I wonder what Sony was doing when it read this...

Oh geez, this is like the tv version of the movie...good thing I liked the movie!

Neverending Story reboot. Press A as fast as you can to keep Artax from drowning (it doesn't matter, he dies anyway).

With all this hacking I'm getting thirsty. I hope they have Tab!

No mouthwash in the grenade launcher? Amateur...

I was actually pleasantly surprised with the girl Spider-Man "toy". I had kind of hoped for a female action figure but it's better than some random junk.

I just enjoy seeing the book fanboys unable to spoil something. Just like the Walking Dead, I enjoy it not exactly following the comics, it manages to surprise me. If anything this scene was better suited for the theme, happiness has no place in their world. I mean crap, the last time they made love he pushed a kid