
The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.


After the ejection, Devin Kurant went on Instagram to say that the no-call was bullshit and Kevin is very handsome.

As the titular character of Samer 2, I can guarantee that it is the dankest gane around.

You continue to be a fan and i will continue being the man.

“ I’m your older brother Ivanka and I was stepped over! … It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!

Didn’t care about the sex you begged to fuck my mind, you can get addicted to a certain kind of madness

And then he went on to say, “Buenas tardes” to Rep. Grijalva, “Ciao ciao” to Rep. Napolitano, “Woof!” to Rep. Labrador, “’sup?” to Rep McEachin, “Auf Wiedersehen” to Rep. Radewagen, and just shrugged in Rep. Gohmert’s direction.

My cat adores my wife and I (unless it’s during the two hours between when I get home and when I feed him dinner, then he’s a demon until we play with him). Spends most of his time when we’re home on one of our laps, sleeps between us in bed, and actually cuddles me every morning as soon as he sees I’m awake. As in,

This week, Taylor Swift and her English boyfriend who may or may not dream of electric sheep,

Monster Hunter World. Pretty easy to guess that one. Although Modern Helicopter Warfare sounds tight, would play.

“...and the US needs to go BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK to segregation”

My impossible fantasy is a brick phone that can also run Google Maps

That’s mostly true! I think it pays to be more conservative on a work Slack than on, say, Reddit, but “sit tight and be nice” applies most places.

and the rest as we say is Lithuanian history.

Apparently getting “Blazed for lunch” doesn’t involve supporting your teammates pizza chain.

And then they have the gall to call any other sport boring. American football is bested only by golf in terms of how boring it is to watch.

15 minutes is generous.

Second season when they were in that stupid barn.

Oh, it’s just Carl. Whew. That guy sucks. I thought for a second that Coral died because you posted a picture of him.