
This guy is my fucking hero. SO EXCITED FOR FOOTBALL MANAGER 2018!

Sorry man, this bandwagon has been full for like two years.

have you seen THE WITCH? Movie is scary as fuck. And also kind of a nice period piece.

These takes suck.

Oh, so that makes you the “bell end”, right?

Evil Morty will be Rick’s humbling downfall. I think Rick has (as you put it), kind of hit God mode in his head and in reality, but that can’t last forever. Is that Jerry’s chance to rescue the family and become a hero? METHINKS SO. Great article!

(I was the SS)

JOBS! Also, Luther Strange sounds like a super villain.

Yes prog rocks so god damn hard.

I am kind of shocked to see this move from Phil. He has always seemed to genuinely love the team/fans/teammates, and to drop this the day before the season starts is just...really shitty?

Can we add this: white males calling any black male “brotha”. I get this from strangers and from people in my professional life, and it is annoying as fuck. I am NOT your “brotha.”

I wanna be best friends with the stoned guy eating fruit in a hammock.

Billy, I dig your writing. I am confused by people who waste their time commenting on your articles to complain about your football coverage. I appreciate you guys even covering the sport when so many people are like, “ew, soccer”.

This has a really fun Hitler Youth feel to it. Fuck!

Kyrie Irving to China.

Also 31. I was sitting in Latin Class, yo!

“If you’re so smart, why aren’t you in ant-baby machete squad?”


I feel terrible for Grover getting dragged into this :(