
I’m looking for Pope Getting Hit By A Bus IV?


Agreed. He definitely acquired an extra chromosome there. 


Glad to see it kicked off with that Thundercat jam. FUCK that song is good.

The banana mayyyy have been offsides

The white guy in the USC shirt is the best part of this video.

Great passing is the best :)

Looked offsides to me...?

I think he was offsides?

He’s also an awful cunt, so there’s that, too.

I, too, am terrified of this.

I am definitely wrong. Thank you for your understanding.


i wuv you!

File this under “series I thought would NEVER come back”

You must be really fun at parties. Eat a dick.

Please, tell me more. I’m really interested.

You have made my day.

Good god, do I regret making a comment. Now I have half the soccer nerds on deadspin giving me a “WELL ACTUALLY” response.