Oh my noodles, fuck that guy.
Oh my noodles, fuck that guy.
Rihanna is literally 365,730,765 times cooler than Drake. She can do MUCH better.
Oh yeah, totally fuck that guy.
Cool, fuck that guy.
Honest question: he’s an asshole, right? For some reason I remember him always being a total douche on the field and generally being unlikable.
That Kylie video is so dark...like literally, I cannot see anything!
Oh fuck, PLEASE let dinosaurs come back.
Hey, Go Pack.
Ahhh but my friend they are one in the same. Is there such a thing as being overly punitive in a situation like this? They’re not executing the guy, for Christ sake. They’re rightfully shaming him.
The dude is a massive college athlete who full on punched a woman in the face. Why are you defending him?
Have you explained to Leitch how wrong he is? He doesn’t seem to understand.
Oh my god, thank you SO MUCH! I never have to see this stupid movie!!!
I might buy your book!
The rare European Backhand! He should be congratulated for executing such a difficult move in touch circumstances. Elite, indeed.
YES. We definitely need a movie either pre-Rogue One or post New Hope of him fucking shit UP. The latest Darth Vader comics set a good precedent with some nice political intrigue, but also Vader fucking shit UP.
Does anyone at Deadspin currently play sports (rec, intramural) and/or have a good sports background as a kid?
I just really enjoy that it opens with Boogie grocery shopping.
I secretly really enjoyed Dennis Miller on MNF!..... and would nominate Louis CK to be his modern day equivalent. There’s something about an intensely sarcastic normal guy commentating on football that lessens the obnoxious sincerity and seriousness of Gruden and Co.
I am SUCH a god damn homer, but I feel like Liverpool could mayyyyybe sneak their way up.
A childhood friend of mine went to the University of Iowa with Big E, and I had a chance to hang out with him multiple times...HUGE dude (like, action figure physique) who could not have been more friendly and soft spoken. Good on him!