
It’s horrible to know there are kids out there who’ll never know that Tims donuts used to be good.

Bow before the one true GIF

Come on, man.

I made it to 18 seconds. Ugh.

Barry, Barry, Barry. You fell for a classic error in egg-eating: you cooked them! Cooking the egg expands its volume considerably. Eating 50 raw eggs would have been a cinch. And you would have felt totally fine afterwards!

Look, hindsight is always 50/50. It’s not rocket appliances.


College football referee and baseball umpire here. So much of the commentary about this event has ascribed motivation to this official’s action, most of which is probably unwarranted. Ramos’s sole motivation was to enforce the rules, and enforce them as consistently as he could. He almost certainly didn’t want to

Imagine - imagine - reading the article you’re commenting on..

What if I square to bunt pull the bat back so that I’m in the natural START of my swing then the pitch is thrown behind my head and nicks the bat. Am I out on a bunt foul third strike?

So if I square to bunt, then pull the bat back and hit a screaming line drive barely foul, I’m out because no matter what happens after I square, it’s still a bunt? I don't think so.

I just fundamentally disagree with you then. Being the host of a television show and being an analyst of a sport are different enough that you can be effective at the former without being the latter, and I don’t think that it’s an indictment to say so.

I think that you’re reading that incorrectly. I believe the point is that being a host of a talk show is an entirely different skill set than something like an analyst would be. Being a host is very fucking hard and Beadle does a great job at it, but that job can be separated entirely from the analysis portion.

This article is about a baseball team located in Canada, so I feel this is an appropriate forum for this:

My wife is so afraid of someone noticing her when she goes to poop, she actually keeps a 2nd pair of shoes in her desk so nobody recognizes her in the stall. She calls them her Shittin’ Shoes.

Ketchup is made from tomatoes, vinegar, salt, and sugar, all things which on their own (or generally even in some combination) are sublime.

For the analogy to hold, wouldn’t the tomatoes also have to suck in sauces, much like Don Henly with the Eagles?

My mom is a physical therapist specializing in children. When I sent her this video, she wanted to call CPS on them before realizing it’s in Iran. Basically, weight training and shit like this will fuck up the bones and ligaments of a kid for life if you do it too early. 

Never forget the OG, who’s dad was willing to imprison his wife and go to prison to keep abusing his kid.