
As someone with resting I’m-gonna-smack-you face, you two don’t you were born.

He also has those nifty interactive fade-away anatomy images that go from photo to drawing.

Awesome. I would have sold my soul AND my Granny for a teacher like this when I was at school.

The Carob Nut Hut, obvs.

I also found that the enemies would barely pay any attention to your companions. Like, I could be the other side of the room, Sam would be making his way across to me right in the open, yet EVERYONE is gunning for me.

I did the exact same thing, amazed to this day I didn’t paralyse myself.

I think that’s a big hole in the floor, not a pool of water. Unless we’re looking at different images?

So, the only decent anti-rad gear I have is the hazmat suit, which looks ugly and is poor for combat. Will I need to be wearing it a lot?

Maybe watch that scene again, Jon struggles to even look Ollie in the eye. And that hesitation isn’t simply to give Ollie time to talk ( I think that’s part of the reason, he wants some kind of closure or resolution from him) but also, he’s physically shuddering at the effort of going through with cutting the rope.

Obligatory question. I’ve never played a Persona game in my life, but I’ve heard good things about them and might fancy some JRPG madness sometime in the future. Am I likely to be bamboozled if I skip the previous installments?

The same reason it’s ok to have the character going “HnnnGH!” loudly as they make a jump or climb a thing, and the enemy is easily close enough to hear them but they don’t. Or pulling up in a jeep about 100m away completely in the open and the enemy doesn’t spot you. The realism you’re talking about would make for a

On that first Kill Bill poster, is it just me or does it look like he’s stuck Uma Thurman’s head on top of Bruce Lee’s body (with added boobs)?

I need to try and get through this game again. I got to one of the first encounters with the alien and ended up hiding in a locker too nervous to pick my moment and move forward. Turned it off thinking I’d get back to it and never did.

Those are some nice digs.

What, like the Match of the Day theme with your own lyrics?

“Why won’t you die, ya fucking bastard!
Just die, ya fucking twat!

Why won’t you die, ya fucking bastard!
Let’s staaab you in the back!”

Yeah, but is that because that’s how westerners interpret them? I wonder what your typical manga/anime character looks like to a Japanese viewer?

In my opinion, yes it would be more impressive. Looking at the process videos, it looks like he’s traced the photo first to make sure the features are accurate before moving onto rendering everything by eye. I think anyway (I like to draw, pretty decent at it).

Still really good work, plenty of great artists trace. I’m

Doesn’t bother me, but some people might appreciate a NSFW warning for that expertly crafted meat and two veg up there...

Didn’t can’t get too far into the first one, can’t remember why, I think I may not have been a fan of the combat. I guess I could take it out for a spin again...

Alright! Time to spend waaaay too much time on the skip-rope mini-game on an entirely different platform!