
I am well aware of that. I didn’t say it was reasonable or rational, or that I made this request aloud. I haven’t even asked my husband not to drink at home. I don’t care about people drinking around me if I’m not drinking, even before I got pregnant, tbh. It was just a long night of watching people have a lot more

Only if you think immigrants never assimilate into their new country and they continue being immigrants for generations. 

He is not in jail, not awaiting trial and not accused of rape. So not sure how he got “Weinsteined”

You’re not interesting because you jerked off in front of women for decades. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get your career ruined by a vindictive creep. You spent 20 years harassing your colleagues and threatening them with retaliation and now I gotta

Yikes. These aren’t even jokes. They’re greyed-out comments.

Best case scenario... it doesn’t hit anything?

Looks like a crazed Imperial Storm Trooper from the front, yes?

The responses to this post are very interesting: all the guys are saying “yeah I agree” but look at what EVERY WOMAN is saying: “uhhh that’s easy for you to say, but you’re not afraid of the threat of violence like I am.”


First of all its not the gov’t job to protect you, its your responsibility to protect yourself. Second if some asshole decides to off his ex, its not his drinking buddies fault or responsibility to stop him.

Now playing

If you’ve ever looked at the side of a crossing signal, there’s small side-indicator lights to the engineer can verify they are working. Not seeing those indicators should have resulted in the train stopping, then the conductor flagging the train through the crossing.

This link has the numbers to report broken railroad signals

“ I know that if I’ve been shut down by someone who doesn’t seem to care that I’m there, I don’t particularly feel like accounting for their point of view.”

Then sorry, you’re still kind of a jerk. For one thing, you don’t know if they really don’t seem to care that you’re there. Some people just come off as aloof but

When I was single, I remember talking politics with some guy I’d met at a party. He tried to call me out for something, and I sternly nailed him back with facts and data. I sincerely thought he was a jerk because of the way he smugly raised his objections to my argument and rolled his eyes. I walked away.

“In no way am I saying this is her fault, but here’s how it’s her fault.”

Um, no. That’s a fantasy instilled by NRA death cult propagandists.

It won’t work. Ask JFK, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford**. All of whom were surrounded by people expert in the use of guns, and none who were protected by using those guns.

I think if the detective actually did his job investigating the case, the harassment should have been enough to get his parole revoked. At a bare minimum it should have gotten him in front of his PO.

a one-opening grille with a honeycomb pattern that feels a lot like an old Toyota Land Cruiser grille

What is it like owning the most reliable alfa in the country, anyway?