@A.Jaswal: We would be there if they had listened to Bill
@A.Jaswal: We would be there if they had listened to Bill
Mind = Blown
@breadofwonder: Just started myself it's really good
Nice I was looking for conformation on this thanks for the post! Back to Mine Craft for me!
@absolofdoom: Me too....simple and classic! A well played pun.
@The Sentient Meat: This has put Civ 5 on hold for me
@deafblindmute: I second that
@Zing: I dig the third person shooters as well. I just couldn't get in to Gears no mater how hard I tried.
@Zing: I'd just skip gears its way over rated. I couldn't get into either of them
I like the idea of themed DLC for holidays.
/dream job
I'm sick of this fall onslaught of games bullshit. For years I have spent late winter and spring with a whole catalog of games half played collecting dust haunting me to beat them. Then summer ends and the realization that the fall onslaught is coming again and the stress of having to tie up last years lose ends dulls…
@Thecenturyslayer: why did this comment get promoted?
Ah the dreaded T-Pose not a good time to be getting that bug.
@Creed_Kotetsu: I'm not even and I was taken back for a second.
@xsbs: zing!
@drewdrawscriticism: We have all ready done the banana
@pandafresh: it doesn't make sense considering that their biggest product is a PC game.
This makes me worry about Battlefield 3 I hope that DICE remembers who bought their games before they were making console games.
I disagree with the franchise thing. Yeah some of them get stale after running on to long. But franchise games make money and they help keep the doors open for studios. What really needs to die are game makers who make shitty licensed games with out putting any effort into them.