
The point of the Rolling Stone article? What point was that? They don't stand by the article. The whole thing has collapsed. The point is that a woman claimed a particularly gruesome and horrific gang rape occurred and people rushed to believe her — and denounce anyone who had questions — despite there was no evidence

I'm not a fan of big proposals or big weddings. I am not. I got married at the courthouse. Having said that, I find this new site to be very judgmental of people who like big proposals and big weddings. We don't know these people, we may disagree with their choices but we don't need to act all righteous because some

Getting the consent in writing! That NFL rookie training is paying off.

Right? I found it appalling when I saw it air live almost ten years ago and I find Rebecca's sycophantic praise of it even more disgusting. She made a joke about a woman's claims of sexual assault. It didn't promote anyone's cause, or make people "sit up and take notice..." It made light of a woman's trauma for the

Is anyone finding this all so weird? Why are you guys working so hard to find some white hero? I am sure there are a lot of people that have made jokes about this as it has been out there for over a decade now. This desperate need to give Tina Fey some weird credit is some crazy white shit.

Okay, I think people are operating under a misapprehension of what Winston actually said (I was for awhile), so let me quote it

so how is "joking" about it funny or productive?

Hold on. The initial investigation did not live up to acceptable standards, but it's a fallacy to assume that this wasn't a disservice to Winston. They're both reprehensible, but there is a distinction between covering up a crime and trying to make a charge go away. One is a disservice to the victim, the other is a

First off, unless you have been both raped and falsely accused of a sexual assault you should not commit you should really shut the fu... excuse me, refrain from commenting on the comparative awfulness of two awful, fucked-up situations. Say what you will about the wisdom of Winston's statement, he in no way

I think we all experienced our own ballet today. A ballet of emotions...and feelings.

"I don't know if Jameis Winston is guilty, but the statistics say he almost certainly is."

See, that's my point; this sort of binary categorization. You are either an Abuser or a Victim. You either have all the power or none. Janay was not powerless; if she had pressed charges and testified against him he would most likely have gone to jail. You don't think that's power? Relationships are complicated.

I made a burner because I don't want someone bringing this up the next time I comment- when my husband and I met we both got into some crazy drunk fights with each other. This only occurred when we were drunk. Nobody has ever lorded money over the other or isolated the other.

"It's hard to imagine any team picking him up this late in the season, or ever again for that matter."

How does your friend do it? I'll tell you how....no morals and a big payday.

Gears of War Trilogy would be an instant-buy for me.

I'd like to see Mass Effect 1 remastered - but only if they revamp in game UI, itemization and inventory management.

Red Dead Redemption. Dammit I love that game. One of the only games that has ever elicited an emotional reaction from me.

Not PS4 or Xbox...but Super Mario Sunshine HD for Wii U would be absolutely amazing.