
These articles are starting to annoy me somewhat. They’ve met 3 times in a tournament. Once in winners finals and twice in Grandfinals. Sonic Fox is 2-1 in those meetings. Now, I will grant that the exhibition sets haven’t gone his way, but he holds the advantage when it comes to sets in tournament play.

Isn’t that extremely subjective though? I hate dealing with the archers in Anor Londo. There is nothing more frustrating than having to deal with two of them and trying to skirt around that narrow ledge. I legitimately gave up on the game for about 2 weeks because of that part until I finally beat it. Them removing

I LITERALLY just made a post about this on the Destiny subreddit. It’s even worse in my situation because I switched from PS4 to PC. I cant remember a damn thing :(

**Rolling my eyes**

So wow, us black men not only aren’t shit to white people, but we are basically monster’s to black women as well huh? WTF do I even keep coming to this site?

Because with the racial history of the US, no white woman has EVER lied about a black man raping her. Nope, never happened at all.

‘Ware the tools you use to make war...

Spoken just like a white racist

It has this super involved, complicated match making system. Doing simply things like playing with your friends or playing in offline mode are needlessly difficult to do.

I actually don’t think she’s op because her super sucks so bad. That’s her great equalizer. Kinda like Karin in SFV. Great footsies but no reliable anti-air

You can do that on console!?!?! Not all heroes wear capes!

Wouldn’t people say that regardless of the peer pressure, no one coerced you into doing drugs. You merely gave into social pressure. 

I know you’re not complaining about it, but the ads on Amazon products really arent bad at all. I have a Fire HD7. my favorite tablet of all time. Still gets updates to this day. i have the ad version. I honestly forget that those things are adverts and not just a screen saver. One thing I found that irritated me, the

That’s how it came off to me too

First, no one is saying this is too different. People are saying that it completely disregards a lot of good plot points brought up in the first movie.

I’m about 55 hours in and I have to agree with the time aspect of your review. Everything takes waaaaay longer than it should. Turning in salvaging parts is one you missed though. Once you start getting the higher level cylinders and abilities that give you more treasure when you salvage, turning in 99 cylinders

So cis hetero/homo males aren’t allowed to drink at your parties? Gotcha...

Aren’t you erasing the victim of the offense though? The victim has said they accept Al’s apology

Isn’t that being assumptive though? “And no, I’m not going to tell men how to behave better because that’s another delaying technique. They already know.” You’re assuming that men ‘know’ how to behave in a better way. The author has written this piece with the inference being that we all of us live in a rape culture

But the article doesn’t say that he did that. Send unsolicited dick pics I mean. If the pics were requested, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.