
Soooo, no black people work at Gawker Media?

I thought I was the only one...

From the video, it does seem like she was grabbing or attempting to grab Trumps arm.

Hey asshole. We have the Hope scholarship in Georgia, which pays for your in state University tuition if you maintain a B average throughout high school. The fuck does your bitch ass state do for its citizens?

“...Whether you are a woman on a tea plantation in Kenya, or a stockbroker on Wall Street, or a Hollywood actress, no one is being paid equally.”

I’m calling bs on this. I watched that video. A few guys were freaked out but a few guys were also VERY into it. Go and rewatch

Pretty sure Polanski has fled the country and NEVER come back just so he could avoid justice

So, now that it seems that he was telling the truth and these are indeed false claims, the Jezebelcommentariat wwill be issuing this gentleman an apology right? ... Right?

Why do we do this? Both of you cats seem like reasonable, well adjusted adults. Why let an Internet argument bring out the more base side of your nature?

This is a very good point. I must, however, point out that the sheer magnitude we’re talking about makes this a very unique discussion. The rate of male circumcision in the US alone is %80. That’s roughly 124 million men. Meanwhile the rate for the total world population is about 30%.

yeah, because genocide is always a great answer for the infractions of an individual

Yeah, but Shadow is still right. You can literally see things coming from a million miles away. Unlike Shadow, I think FA was great. Even better than the first Avengers movie.

Supposedly Bungie made the hard mode before they made the normal mode. I can’t wait to try it

So um, make that a 100% chance...

Yeah, but at least ME’s codec is in-game AND. (For the most part) voiced by a good VA

Guys ACTUALLY might be justified in worrying about penis length though. According to this site http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/27164…, average erect penis length is anywhere between 5.1 - 5.6 inches . The average erect girth is right inline though at 4.8 inches. So the average dude is an inch to short for

Oddly enough it’s pretty common. That and boobs. Unlike women though, I think men rather enjoy them. That’s not an indictment on wome. Merely an observation

Or it could be that your tang game simply isn’t that great

I did so much under desk/ dinner table reading that I’m surprised the book didn’t merge to my hands

As a black man, all race stuff aside, the power flag is actually a pretty damn cool design. I’m trying to think of other non racist things that could have that design to it...