Yeah, some people were complaining about there not being PVP when they first announced it, but it’s very clear after release that the gameplay is in no way designed to make PVP work
Yeah, some people were complaining about there not being PVP when they first announced it, but it’s very clear after release that the gameplay is in no way designed to make PVP work
It isn’t at all similar to an MMO, in fact it has even less multiplayer than a standard multiplayer game, it’s really more of a bland singleplayer game where you happen to be able to do missions with 3 other players.
Or you just know how to use Google, you keep having to add more things that effect how the game turns out, all of which is more than ME3 does
Doing the loyalty missions or not is not the only thing that controls what characters survive, there’s a lot more about the relationships that you have with the characters. Sure it’s predictable, but it’s certainly much better than what they offered in the third game, where the only thing that matters is your Galaxy…
Whether the Quarian or the Geth are in the fleet should make a huge difference, I don’t know how you are missing that. Whether a character is alive or not should have a big impact on a story, the party characters are not interchangeable with nobodies, it’s a lazy way of ignoring the consequences of the second game.…
Yeah, it’s a huge decision, so why doesn’t it have any effect on the rest of the game?
In previous Bioware games the decisions you made had a much bigger impact on the story. The Quarian vs. Geth decision should matter because you’re weighing your dedication to a friend along with making an ethical choice and what you think might be the best choice for the galaxy, the fact that it doesn’t matter…
There’s very little to do outside of the story missions
Bloodborne ruined The Witcher 3 for me, I was all excited for it before it came out, but after playing Bloodborne the combat and movement in Witcher 3 just doesn’t feel as good.
The way it fails is that the descisions you make have little difference on the outcome, some characters from the first two games are dead and that has no impact on the story. If a character who was dead is featured in part of the story, they are simply replaced with a different character to do the same thing, or their…
It’s not an MMO at all, not even close, not that it’s trying to be.
Mass Effect 3 was actually really good, the only problem is that it didn’t deliver on player choice, but that’s just one component of it.
I wonder if he issues are a result of EA interference?
I think that’s the only area where I feel the classic Bioware feel, but unfortunately it doesn’t translate into the rest of the gameplay.
While it is definitely rushed, I’m not sure the underlying concept ever really coalesced. Even if they had more time to fix bugs and stuff, I don’t think it would have fixed things like the repetitive gameplay.
An NDA can’t be used to prevent someone from sharing information about illegal activity though
I fast forwarded through that part, because the show doesn’t understand pacing.
I don’t play golf, but why would anyone pay a caddy that much anyway?
So pretty much as expected, an average game that wasn’t worth the years of development
Technically it can’t detect your wrist movement by itself, so some of that can be attributed to your arm