
we can hope Obama stops getting old real soon!

It's all good news with Obama!! It's a great time to be a parasite on the working class. Enjoy it, at least until you run out of people actually working for a living. Maybe around 2019...


^^^jobless parasitic freeloader^^^^

a win for freeloaders and parasites of America. Enjoy it before we run out of tax payers to fund your life!

rejoice, when Obama is re-elected, those of us without jobs will be closer to getting a job! And, by 2016, we'll be even closer to getting a job! As for those that don't want a job, don't worry about it, there are plenty of programs to support your parasitic ass!!

after reading through a few days worth of Gizmodo blog posts, it appears they need a bunch of English writers as well.

OMG, you put your entire life on facebook, then you accept all these friend requests and now!!!! now!!!! These PEOPLE are looking at me in pictures I POSTED!! HOW DARE they do this?!?! What utter stupidity!

maybe this should be reviewed by somebody who's not so much of a friggin pussy! I like my tools to have a heft and be substantial (insert joke here). iPhone 5 feels like 3 pieces of paper stapled together!!

I'm holding out for the iPad mini Retina in March!!

a majority of people (i.e. Mac users) would NOT be able to fold that. Those swirl-to-disc contraptions are complicated for simple minds.

If you think that's something, there should be a video of me almost tripping at the gas pump the other day!! Freakin close call!!

there goes my retirement plan

when I pay too damn much for a computer, I want it to look like there's something there. A sealed up desktop for $1800!!?? Forget it. You can build an ass kicker for half that

3 mp picture taking was fine 3 years ago when it was on your hipster-ass iPhone, now 5 mp on your hipster -ass iPad is NOT acceptable? At what size is it acceptable? 3.5" phone? 4" phone? 7" tablet?

This is exciting!! The next time I see a roof shingle laying on the ground, I'll wonder "is that the new [insert apple device name]'s new display panel!!?? Should I photograph it and send it to Gizmodo!!

nice and unbiased article...NOT

I guess it needs to be dog dumb simple for most people to get it. Otherwise, Windows will be just fine for doing serious work instead of popping in and out of Apps that require you store your data in a pocket and use iTunes to transfer it to another app!!

looks perfect for any hippy commune

whiny, distasteful idiot