Dear Author,
Dear Author,
I'm sure there are some people who remember Katrina that might beg to differ. Or survived tsunamis. Or week long superblizzards. Or really anywhere that is hit by a massive weather disruption. Disasters are quite real without invoking divine power.
Legalization will not end all the problems, no. But treating addicts, who suffer from a self-destructive disease, as criminals, solves nothing. Also, part of the point of the show is that the easy money from the trafficking of these substances results in massive crime. All that violence in Mexico? Are you under the…
I grew up literally a few miles form there. You don't see anything on Google maps because there was absolutely nothing that far out on Startown Rd.
Pretty simple. The Soviet state was considered evil. That is of course, something people might debate, but what isn't debatable is that less than 10 years prior, the Soviets were led by a man who initiated the murder of millions of people, and by some estimates, more than Hitler. Justifiably or not, the vision of the…
Hear that? That's the sound of hundreds of terrorists deleting their email accounts! Why would these maroons admin they had found this??
Man. Concorde. Supersonic commercial flight I hope returns sooner rather than later.
Who the hell has gotten a boner over Secretary Clinton? I mean, no offense, but generally speaking women of her age don't get men all bothered in the pantaloons. Now if it was the PM of Ukraine...
Sad? Yes. That said, I watch stuff in HD, I don't watch cable and even with lotsa large video downloads, I don't hit the Comcast cap. Closest I got was 180 or 190gb one month, I think.
I had a friend tried to convince us of his sobriety on his 21st birthday by doing calculus problems. He got them right; he was still drunk.
Dear self-conscious women:
that's what I get for posting at 2am
Ugh. I have loved women who have been sexually assaulted. The damage it does is horrific. Sex crimes are everyone's problem. And then on the purely selfish point, as a single guy who uses dating sites and is not a sex offender, eliminating creepy competition and making women feel more comfortable in using the services…
Dear Movie Sudiots, things like this just cement to us the idea that you are backwards, innovation stiflers. We are the people, we hold the power. Continue to act this way and we will destroy you. What you desire for Netflix will be visited upon you a hundred times, should you go through with it. (Hint, Netflix…
I keep hoping that Alex Jones is just a nutty conspiracy theorist. Then I read that some of these nutty things are real.
Ashton Kutcher 5 seconds after reading this: "What the hell is SSL?"
A few logical fallacies people often forget:
Reasons Jessica Coen is an asshat: You may agree or disagree with someone politically, but by applying a label contrary to their self-chosen label, you reach to the lowest common denominator. You may argue "but anti-choice is more accurate", and you might even be *right*, but the inherent negative connotation and the…
As a man who loves the Kindle, yet would like to be able to reference things on a tablet, this makes me SQUARELY look at Honeycomb over iPad 2. Stop cutting your nose off to spite your face, Apple.
@Arken: I'm not equivocating. Bigot has a negative connotation. You brought up the definition. Unfortunately, the definition cuts both ways. The fact that using the definition verbatim applies to the group we would not think of as bigots in this case proves that either the definition is outdated or people should stop…