
I do development work on my Macbook Pro. Sticking an Intel SSD in there was a good idea. I did the remove the opti-bay trick though because I want to keep media and I don't want my development postgres instance running on an SSD for lack of trim...

Thank you. I wrote a rant on this. Kurzweil is committing a *serious* crime, which is that he's speaking authoritatively on subjects he knows little to nothing about.

Can we start a serious campaign to annihilate the RIAA, please? I would be happy to read a news story about a grassroots effort to make all their execs pariahs. "RIAA President Refused Service: Not even at Applebees."

@Spooky M: It looks like she hadouken'd your heart.

I think you got it mixed up; X25-E is Enterprise and the *opposite* of budget. The X25-V is the budget and it's not going to get very large or it would cannibalize.

Some non-violent offenders need prison. As a general rule, incarceration doesn't work as a deterrent. Rapists aren't thinking about the prison time when they are raping. But there's a significant proportion of people who think they'll never get caught, and those couple of days in jail DOES set them straight.

Seems like this guy needs to hook up with Bill Gates...

As someone who writes Java, I have to say, I see this as a lose/lose.

I have my doubts. Look at it from the standpoint of evolution. There's one lynchpin to all of this, which is: 'Children had multiple social "fathers"'

@Mjolnir Labs: While iPod/iPhone is the new bread/butter, it would be great if my Macbook Pro had some of this anti-dent/scratch tech. Even babying it, the underside has gotten a little scratch or two. General resilience will definitely elicit long term customer satisfaction, which is what really sells Apple products

@Go Vols!: Yes, you can tell someone is bitter and hateful, even if they show restraint AND they aren't mean. It's not that hard and this was an offhanded comment.

Anyone else remember Fearsome Flush?

"HP paid the contractor's fees for services and her expenses [though] there was a question about whether her services were actually provided." —Oh, I bet there were services provided...

As a gross generalization, women who get older past the years of motherhood fall into one of two categories:

Symbian: The Dirk Diggler of the smartphone world.

It's good to know that this young man is focusing on the important aspects of urban living like gadget compatibility and gaming preferences. Things like schedule, how much of a neatfreak a person is, etc are so passe`. And I mean, dude...if you don't have SC2 experience? It's been out for like a week already, you

@Kirkaiya: He chose the 'lower path', because the Equal Protection way doesn't hold water. The argument has always been "What's love got to do with it?", or in other words, that any person, regardless of sexual orientation, has the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. If you say that the pursuit of happiness