
Dear Chuck,

"puts the smackdown on iPhone 4" is why it got deleted. If someone posted "Android puts the smackdown on iPhone 4!" I bet that would be deleted too.

Gonna do a reivew of that synthetic and legal 'spice' now?

@appletoad: They sell car hookahs all the time in the Middle East.

@Time Pilot AKA: No one likes 'not getting' the joke/reference all the time. It communicates that you have little concern for connecting to her and sharing in her interests. Establish that connection and then you can blossom her inner nerd.

@rashad123us: And I was doing it on my Motorola Q back in 06. Yes, it's news, because they didn't exist before because the iPhone hasn't had a flash until now...

Good. At first I didn't care about Kin. Then I grew to hate it as it incessantly bombarded me while watching Hulu. My hatred grew as I became familiar with the bizarre ads. I mean, the guy who goes "Oh! There's my ex girlfriend. She looks mad. Let me take a picture of her for my social network." Congratulations you've

Don't be so damned elitist. I get my beans special ordered and I use an Aeropress, but when the guys at work say "Let's go grab a Starbucks" I don't go "EWWWWW". It's definitely not the best and it's certainly not up to the quality of my favorite places (Cup-A-Joe of Raleigh, I'm thinking of you), but dammit it's just

It looks good, but the problem I have with this vs the bumper is that this isn't going to provide any real impact resistance if I drop it; all this will protect you from are scratches and dings; my new iPhone sadly has a few of the latter.

I had a buddy who checked a Twitter timestamp to discover that his date had tweeted about dinner...during dinner...

They will keep doing this as long as it is profitable to do so. They make a lot of money off the advertisements. That's also why they'll give one to you even if you don't want it.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Instead of having a pissing match about Android phones vs iPhone, can't we just sit back and appreciate now that cameras on phones are starting to get good?

@moe52: Any comments on the Mac Keychain? I was under the impression that it was 'better', as the keystore key is coming from your user account and thus not static. It *seems* like passwords in an application are free-for-all in Windows world, which seems dumb. I could be wrong, as I have barely used Win7...

@comrade_leviathan: And Sir Isaac Newton was an amazing mind who established physics principles that were astonishingly close to what quantum physics proves. He also believed with this knowledge he could divine the time of the end of the world. Brilliant people can have stupid ideas.

The singularity is a childish dream. Ray's involvement is not a big deal unless you geek worship the way 17 year olds worship Lady Gaga. At least she has boobs.

@emorottie: Hmm, I never tried Drag & Drop. Copy/Paste works pretty good though. I just found it to have better compatibility than generic Wine, really. My MacBook has an 80Gb SSD, so space is a wee bit premium; so not having to use VMWare is a plus for me as well.

Crossover is like Wine on crack. The question is, is this free alternative good enough? I'm skeptical. Full disclosure though: I actually paid for Crossover.