
That's really close to what I think you would need for an urban commuter folder e-bike. (It's got pedals and the Wattage is under 750-1000W so it qualifies in most areas as a bicycle/e-bike and NOT a scooter.) But I is not something that folds up enough to wheel into and elevator to get to your office. I commute by


Yep. I'd see it. Looks like fun. You know... seeing a movie for fun. Like... sitting and enjoying a movie. If there's real emotion conveyed to the audience, that's what matters to me. As long as the script isn't unbearable stupid, I love me a B-scifi.

But there's no catapults or vertical wind tunnels?!

Now it puts the skin culture in the cartridge or else it gets the hose again. It puts the skin culture in the cartridge!!!

Thank heavens. Here I was worried that all that medical research money was going towards diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancer research.

Hear, Hear!

I was about to say"A blond, short, Caucasian Amazon???", but she is actually 5'11" which is plenty tall enough to intimidate many men. Wigs or hair dye and a good tan, no problem ... So I say go for it.

OMG! And I mean that. OMG! I know what all my kids are getting for their birthdays. This is only slightly less awesome than LEGOS. I, as a parent, welcome the never-having-to-step-on hotwheels tracks! I would also welcome lego panels that stick to walls as well... bulletin boards.

More likely they would try to observe the gap in the star field as the planet silhouette passed in front of stars in line of sight from Earth... but there's A LOT of space to observe to try and catch the tiny silhouette of a distant planet even if you restrict your search to just the orbital plane of our solar system.

There's been lots of testing of this technology in the last couple decades. "Pack Driving" is how it is usually described.

@chefgon: You can buy 1-20lb boxes of legos of specific colors or types on Ebay. Prices are not bad either from what I have seen. There is also Bricklink.com

awesome, but a lot more moving parts than a "whispercraft" ( The Sixth Day) or the NOTAR commercial helicopters.

Maybe someone can help me find a notebook/pda/ipod/iphone case like these but with a sprung or snap hinge closure? I have been trying to find one for years now. I thought they were called snap-cases but that doesn't return anything that resembles a notepad case.

@Juaco: Those big ships are fine for public transportation. But you need something more maneuverable to go planet hopping... Hyper-Freem Drives are the future.

Any of the Heterodynes would pwn these guys in ten minutes having nothing but pile of automotive scrap as a resource. Agatha rules.

Highest marks for using "wane a skosh" in a sentence!

@Ajh: hear, hear. You can quite easily tell when you need a new piece of chalk. K.I.S.S. You don't need thousands in $ in electronics to write something on a display in front of a class... of ANY age.