
The transformers themselves just look so much better when they’re not a million little glittery bits that fold out in convoluted ways and suddenly leave you with a new form. The more logic that exists in how they transform, and the more recognizable pieces remain after transformation, the better it looks. This is a

“This kids franchise doesn’t have enough moral ambiguity for me, and these heroes that everyone loves so much need to be brought down a peg or two.”

I will never cease to be amazed at how much damage Rian Johnson did to Star Wars. It’s mind-bogging that just one person could basically derail the biggest franchise in pop culture history. 

One new major film every two years was plenty. The big problem with the “anthology” side of things is that they decided to chain it to the original trilogy, limiting what stories could be told and how they could be presented. They really should just not have even considered side movies unless some promising director

How is Ben Shapiro a fascist? How is he a racist? I thought attacking people for different opinions and trying to silence debate was fascism?

My solution to reconciling all of this was to just treat it as another fantastical element of the setting. If I can buy that a guy can run on walls then I guess I can buy a world where the police deserve the level of trust the game gives them.

“Happy” is the death of drama for genre fiction. The fight for inclusion for all historically marginalized groups shouldn’t result in happy endings. Boring stories are happy.

As someone who speaks Arabic, “kanan is basically a non-entity as either an Arabic word or name. That dog was almost certainly named after the Star Wars Rebels character. I guess it’s fine though, because at least white Twitter got to spend a few hours getting off on co-opting brown people persecution.

I like it, it shows us who we really are (shit).

Imagine, with all the shit that is going on in America, seeing a twitter account posting images of cute dogs and doing anything but going eh, cute dog, *keeps scrolling*

Twitter is such a shitshow. I really wish it had gone out of business when the finances were looking weak. Humanity would be better off. 

EA is trying to brand themselves as a customers first company. “We hear you, we messed up, here’s what we’re going to do the rectify the situation.”

It’s kind of funny to doubt the decision making of Rockstar when we all know that this is going to be the game of the year by the time of it’s release.
Plus, I never thought that John’s life was meant to be the central piece of this series, simply the narration to the chaos and violence around him for that particular


He fits in really well! This is gonna be awesome! Now if only Link returned. Link vs. Geralt!

Well like I said, Grumpy Luke didn’t bother me. I was more put off by plot holes, repeated stupid decision-making by multiple characters that could be totally avoided if they just talked to each other, cheesy acting, cheap sets, and preposterous shit like Leia Poppins, “dropping” bombs in zero gravity, and space

I mean, it’s not the only film that had a protagonist from an already established work that become a jaded old man only to be given renewed hope by a female student and sacrifice himself for the next generation that came out in 2017.

“We all should ignore right-wing trolls. Now here are a dozen articles about right-wing trolls.”

About 1/3 of the way into watching TLJ, I found myself thinking, “I think I think this might be a bad movie, am I supposed to be feeling this way?”

Or, and hear me out here, if you guys (all aggregation media) wouldn’t give the time of day to this edit job, no one would have even known it existed besides a small reddit group. Instead, you blast it out and give free press for a week, and then report on all the fall out.