
Maybe cause they didnt wanna devote 2 years and more time for it to get good? it may be fun now, but plopping 60 dollars+ for a shit game at launch made me apprehensive on further bungie purchases. especially since id probably have to pay close to retail again to get the game up to snuff. :-\

Was this her boyfriend’s homework?

Because VR games circa 2016 are really just garbage Wii-like gimmicks.

Yeah. It was called Destiny. I’ve been clean since last October.

or actual adults who do adult things. are you kidding me? if you aren’t leaving me a VM at work or even as a social call you are not getting a call back bc it clearly was not important.

Myrtle is a blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi http://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/car… She is a reading therapy dog and has her own website! http://myrtlefrisby.com/ Yes, the thundershirt helps her. Without it she pants and paces, with it she lays in her bed, doesn’t pant but is still aware something is going on that isn’t

Generally speaking, when it’s a matter of person vs vehicle, the vehicle is at fault

“The shoulder is a lane if there’s a vehicle in it. In this case, a cyclist. “

Or she didn’t avoid the accident because she wasn’t paying attention, wasn’t aware that trucks have large turning radii, or simply expected the truck to somehow, magically not crush her.

Clearly, the authorities disagree with you as the truck driver was not issued a citation. Is a large truck is turning right the driver is going to have a hard time seeing this person riding on a bicycle up next to him. I would fault the bicycle driver in this case more than the truck driver as she has a better vantage

Actually, it makes more logical sense the other way.

The hell are you going on about? The only 2 ways the truck driver WOULD be at fault is if he cut her off, or he turned into her from the rear.

Generally speaking, when it’s a matter of person vs vehicle, the vehicle is at fault,

No one gets cited for rear ending someone, either.

“and since the truck driver is the one with the impaired vision, the onus is on him to make sure he’s not blindly turning into an unprotected pedestrian or cyclist.”

Except they weren’t a pedestrian. The woman was on a bike which when ridden on the street, the rider is expected to follow all rules of the road just like a vehicle. They can be just as much at fault as a car or truck. Just being on a bike doesn’t automatically make it the truck driver’s fault. If the truck driver

Popping in and out of intersections from a sidewalk is arguably a riskier way to ride.

The semi crossed a 65 foot median and made it across the entire road before the collision. He didn’t jump out of nowhere and cut the Tesla driver off.

Funny, I’ve only got one rule:
