
Just as everyone is tired of Veyron special editions, I've grown tired about the Tesla. I see them maybe twice a week in Chicago and they are utterly uninspiring. In my naivete or perhaps my firm grip on petrol/diesel powered engines I cannot be won over by this.

You call those "engines"? Oh, you have a 20mm cannon and some machine guns? Thats cute. So do I actually. But I missed the memo and got 4x 20mm cannons to go with my machine guns.

The answer you were looking for was :


I really do not like Lyft solely because of the stupid fricken moustaches.

Shhh.. all the heat from this ill-informed rage is great for toasting marshmallows!

Makes me glad that I like the lore and not the game.

All true things that don't change the fact that it looks kinda shitty ^_~

Now playing

I'm a little disappointed that they used CGI for large chunks of the transformation. I shudder to think how Ami's transformation is going to look compared to the lovely version in the original anime:

Wait how is this possible?

and yet I keep doing it.

Wut? How did VW Guys not make the list? Those dudes on Vortex are rabid.

And at some point someone said, "Can we make it look like a Betamax from 1985?"

In all fairness, I don't race my BRZ everywhere I go. But I certainly don't baby it. 29 MPG is just what the car gets. In fact, I recently drove the car to California from NC (and back) and achieved 3 tanks of 33 MPG with my wife, our luggage and two small dogs nestled in the folded down rear seat in temperatures that

The thing is the Eye is relatively cheap(even with the temporary price hike it is still not THAT expensive), and people REALLY love the live streaming feature on the PS4 and we all know you can't be a proper live streamer/let's player without your mug being in the picture, so every amateur LPer is grabbing the Eye up.

That may be so, but the relationship between Anakin and Padme is exaggerated quite a bit in the first movie, especially given that Anakin is like 6 years old and Padme is a teen, possibly late teens. As well, do we really need to know that Anakin is a great fighter pilot, or a great pod racer? It's a great scene

At least this response made me laugh instead of face-palming for the twentieth time.

I don't get it, if these are so bad for runners then why do all of the elite Kenyans and Ethiopians train exclusively barefoot and in barefoot shoes??? ANSWER THAT MR SMART GUY

Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad.

Is that how you respond to all criticism