GUYS! Using the constitution is now UNCONSTITUTIONAL and an attack on the constitution.
GUYS! Using the constitution is now UNCONSTITUTIONAL and an attack on the constitution.
Alan, what exactly is that the 25th Amendment to?
I follow two Fox News anchors out of morbid curiosity, and they were tweeting each other both agreeing that this sets a bad precedent for the next Dem president. I don’t know why Republicans aren’t fuming about Donald and Mitch’s complete inability to govern.
Impeach, then indict his bloated, orange ass.
I totally understood that the object of your ire was the cheetolini. He is such a worthless piece of garbage.
OK, let’s get the government out of the marriage business altogether.
Goddamn, Trump’s strategy is just so bad lately. He’s probably got one good shot to declare an Emergency and act like a King, and he’s wasting it on the fucking wall? It’s not popular, it’s gonna piss off a ton of Texans and Arizonans that otherwise like him, and it sets a terrible, terrible precedent that a future…
This part blew my mind:
I love Nancy Pelosi more every minute. Now she’s saying that if Donald sets the precedent with declaring national emergency because of the wall then the Democratic president could and should declare national emergency for gun violence.
The Kansas attempt at doing away with gay marriage is utterly comical. I quite liked the bill’s sponsors quote:
I would make a terrible president, ‘declaring a national emergency’ would be my favorite go-to joke for every minor inconvenience.
That ol’ Don Trump is the worst. president. ever. is obvious to all with a functioning brain.
No, I think “said this shit to make money off idiots" is better than lawyer-speak because his fan-base don't understand lawyer-speak, but they might understand that
I hope he gets sued out of existence. He should also have to make a public statement saying, “I’m full of shit and said this shit to make money off idiots, no matter who it affected.” That, but more lawyerly.
That’s funny Howard, because I don’t see wealth. So when you complain about the unfairness of a 70% marginal tax rate on the 1%, it doesn’t apply to me so I don’t see anyone being singled out or treated differently.
Yeah, according to the IRS, refunds are down 8% on average, and 25% fewer people are getting refunds at all; but it’s good to know that people think they’re going to be doing better next year, despite all the evidence to the contrary!
How the fuck are you out, and I’m still in the greys... what the fuck even is this.
“Uh, hi? Is this Elliot Abrams? Yeah, see, you sent us the wrong check. This is Lindt & Sprü, no we make chocolate. I think you wanted to send this $10,000,000 for targeted assassinations to known criminal arms dealer Sprungli Lindt instead?”