Well yes, of course. In a cinematic universe where walking slowly away from explosions is a thing, running away from a literal wave of cold makes perfect sense.
Well yes, of course. In a cinematic universe where walking slowly away from explosions is a thing, running away from a literal wave of cold makes perfect sense.
Children, as they mature, go through phases of being fascinated with things to the point of near obsession as they come to terms with life. It starts with excretion, and eventually sex and death take their turn in the spotlight. It’s natural. Squelching them trying to inhibit them into a mold of Victorian purity and…
I wonder if you’re seeing the whole picture, here. Perhaps you’re insulated a bit by income class, lawyers aren’t poor people after all. You probably make more in a year than I make in 10. If you live in California, which most Japanese-Americans do, you’re probably a bit insulated too compared to people in the South…
You do realize that actual US soldiers in actual war zones are held to much stricter standards and rules of engagement than that in actual foreign war zones? And they’re dealing with a language barrier on top of everything else. They don’t just deal with the possibility that a civilian suspect might have a firearm,…
Your call. I was born here, and if I had the money and capability I’d get the hell out of here and move to Japan myself. I appreciate your resolve to make things better here, but I no longer think that’s possible. This nation is doomed, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. A lot of good people…
I wanted to love this game, really I did. I loved Chrono Trigger, Parasite Eve, and FFVII and couldn’t wait to get and play this one. It proceeded to beat that excitement out of me with a brickbat. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t find a single character, setting, or mechanic that wasn’t grating or tedious or silly. I…
Go back home. It’s not safe here. Japan is a far better place, you have left heaven to walk the fires of hell.
The guy did nothing of the sort. A false report claimed these things but they weren’t true, and the police were given a random address. The dude that was shot did absolutely nothing and had no idea anything was wrong. All he did was answer his door.
Speaking as an American, you as a Japanese person don’t have a grasp of how fatally flawed and terminally sick American society is. You don’t have the experience of living with the kind of extreme socioeconomic inequality and struggle, or the extreme racial, sociocultural, regional, political, and religious divides we…
I wholeheartedly second the recommendation of Doki Doki Literature Club. It’s a truly special piece, more than a game and more akin to an experience. And it is indeed something everyone should experience.
Without spoiling it too much, it’s a game that presents itself as a basic, almost generic cutsey anime visual novel…
DDLC is far more than just an “anime protagonist simulator”, it wouldn’t be getting all the praise and push it is if that’s all it was. To tell you what it really is would spoil it though, it’s something that needs to be experienced. It’s free, just download and play it. Only when the final credits have rolled and the…
It’s absolutely something that needs to be experienced. Without spoiling anything, it’s a game that starts with the premise of being a typical anime-inspired cutsey dating sim / virtual novel and becomes so, so much more. Don’t read any more about it, don’t watch any videos about it, just play it. The Morpheus quote…
You mean Lucas couldn’t be bothered to get real Banthas and just dressed up elephants in costumes instead? That’s lazy as hell, especially after going to all the trouble of filming on location on Tatooine.
Umm, what the fuck are you talking about? There was no Death Star in Empire Strikes Back, and in Return of the Jedi the Rebels did not have nor did they need detailed plans. All they needed to know was that there were massive open sections of half-constructed superstructure they could fly small craft through and hit…
If you’re running a combustion engine of some sort, yeah. Star Wars vessels run on reactors and there’s plenty of mass they can use in them just by picking up hydrogen and space dust and such.
I always wanted to make a mod that was just extremely obscene, like Japanese guro-hentai levels of all messed up. Sex, violence, vomit, excretory functions, etc just all mixed together in a Giger-esque nightmare of sexual body horror. The reason being, it’s supposed to be Hell right? If it were really a demonic Hell…
That car... the frame is gundanium alloy... oh my god, IT’S A GUNDAAAAAAMMM...!!!
There already was one, in 2010 and it was AMAZING.
Nothing in this solar system is at rest. Maybe nothing in the universe. We’re all moving at tens of thousands of miles per hour when you combine axial rotation of the Earth, the orbit of the planet around the Sun, and the movement of the Sun around the galactic center.
What you’re looking for is zero relative velocity…