Darth Meow 504

Highlander II has the distinction of not merely having fans erase it from existence, but the actual producers have done the same! I mean literally, officially, banished as having Never Fucking Happened.

I was at a small convention where they showed the pilot for the then-upcoming Highlander television show, and I got

We all want a successful Trek show, but we also need it to be GOOD. We keep getting our hopes up, and keep getting burned. The snark hides the pain. Scratch a cynic and it’s a wounded romantic that bleeds.


That’s why it works. Not only does it fit the cynical, world-weary tone that is so very film noir hardboiled detective, it also fits the character of Deckard so very well. He IS, through most of the movie, bored and tired and annoyed to be there. He is the personification of his line in Raiders about “it’s not the

What he does is impossible for any human no matter how dedicated and obsessive. He might be a very mild superhuman right on the line between peak human and real superpowers, but he’s not just plain human. That is impossible. Pretending otherwise isn’t helping anything.

It actually has been addressed, at least from time to time. There was a series called MARVELS, for example, which explored how the average man-on-the-street saw superheroics. The attitudes and perspective of the general public, government agencies, citizens groups, etc have often been plot points over the years.

As to

I’ve never thought Batman belonged on the Justice League, either and nor should he have much if any interactions outside Gotham. Taking him out of Gotham RUINS him in my opinion. The usual joke I make about the subject is “it’s like there’s a moat around Gotham with a shark in it that Batman has to jump in order to

Bones is a notable exception, and it can be taken that where he came from (rural Georgia) the old expressions survived where they’re long gone almost everywhere else. And even he, in the same movie you cite, refers to “the myth” when speaking of the biblical creation story. So he doesn’t believe either.

As to

Bones is a notable exception, and it can be taken that where he came from (rural Georgia) the old expressions survived where they’re long gone almost everywhere else. And even he, in the same movie you cite, refers to “the myth” when speaking of the biblical creation story. So he doesn’t believe either.

Crawfish is the word. “Crayfish” is NEVER said down here and would get you as many stares as if you’d dropped your pants in the middle of the room. And it might be even more offensive.

Where the hell did you get the idea that it’s a taboo? Nobody said that. The idea is that people aren’t religious in the future so phrases like that aren’t common vernacular anymore. They were exactly right to correct him, the usage would be an anachronism from the vast majority of Federation citizens.

Doctor McCoy is

Bullshit. Absolute stuff and nonsense. The cyclical just for kids thing you cite was A) an artifact of the Comics Code in its most strict years after Wertham gutted the industry, and B) already undone by Marvel in the early 1960s long before anyone in their 40s was born. Continuity, a shared universe, and a target

News flash, humans die. Female humans no exception to the rule. Sorry about that.

She wasn’t murdered, she was killed in action. She was a combatant. Women in combat are at risk of becoming casualties just like anyone else.

The death in battle of a trained and dedicated uniformed combatant, in an operation where she fully intended to use lethal force on the man who ended up killing her instead, is hardly an example of Women in Refrigerators. She knew the risks, she took her chances, she rolled snake eyes this time. It could have happened

Killing Miles would be worth it just to watch the meltdown from all the hypersensitive types. This site, The Mary Sue, and at least a few others would EXPLODE. He’s their pet character, for whatever reason “Black Spider-Man” is like the holy grail of their movement and they are obsessed with him. The sheer level of

That’s exactly what they were saying. As if Black Widow isn’t a combat capable and highly trained secret agent who was willing to use lethal force and entered combat with the intent to kill. Nope, because she’s female it’s bad and we should feel bad. For the alt-left, equality only matters when it’s convenient. Don’t

Yeah it’s an 80s nerd power fantasy, and so was Pixels. It appeals to the fact that we’re called Generation X because we’ve been ignored since pretty much day one as the world revolved around the Baby Boomers and then our younger siblings. We were the latchkey kids, a lost generation nobody gave a shit about, until

That would be a cool way to bring that story full circle because a lot of what Blade Runner was about was the evils of slavery and exploitation. Replicants are mass-produced slave labor, Roy Batty even makes explicit reference to the fact in his confrontation with the old man Tyrell.

I said when I first heard about this, it’s not much good to get Paul George if you don’t have or aren’t able to get John Ringo to complete the set.