Darth Meow 504

In the novelization they do not have sex, she performs a mind meld technique that is done traditionally on Vulcan for males who have hit puberty / their first Pon Farr but are too young to mate. Kinda like a psychic handjob so to speak, it tides them over until they’re old enough for proper mating. It makes sense,

I was unaware some reported the crime and got no help from authorities. That is... I have no words for how fucked up that is on every level. Whoever committed such gross dereliction of duty belongs on trial themselves. It’s the job of law enforcement to investigate reports of crimes, period. Those who refuse to do so

No. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is an absolutely VITAL principle of human justice and there are no exceptions. Without it, we get the likes of the Salem Witch Trials, the false child molestation accusation scandals of the 1980s, and the similarly never proven but incredibly destructive hysteria

And? One would imagine that someone who has suffered through that hell would be even more motivated to take down the monster that preyed on them. If not to prevent others from going through that same traumatic ordeal, then to get revenge on the scumsucking sack of wasted flesh.

Fortunately, I read (as most have) that

Read my last paragraph again. Did we not collectively condemn Joe Paterno for failing to report sexual assault and blame him for negligently allowing a sexual abuser to remain free and harm more victims? If that is true (and it is), please explain how this case of refusing to report sexual assault and thus negligently

I really liked him in Louise Simonson’s original X-Factor run in the 80s. He was flawed there, but with a good heart and he really worked hard to improve himself. All that went out the window later unfortunately. :(

It looks like fun, at least, if kinda cheesy.

That’s nonsense. The original trilogy (and the prequels, for that matter) were ALL AGES films. They were intended to have elements that appealed to different parts of a general audience in different ways. It was never purely child-aimed nor even fully child-friendly. Remember burnt skeletons and dismemberments in the

I enjoyed Howard for what it was, a cheesy fun romp through camptown. Anyone who tried to take it seriously was bound for disappointment but as a tongue in cheek “so bad it’s awesome” fun film it’s a blast.

PS: I also understand that it shares nothing with the source material, so fans of the original HtD were

Not all of us. Sadly, like any other group we do have our loudmouthed extremists and they tend to be the most noticeable. But many of us are also among the coolest, smartest, and nicest people you ever want to meet. I hope you get to spend some time with those kind of fans someday so you’ll get a better idea of the

That is an utterly ridiculous statement. Just completely devoid of fact in any way whatsoever.

Lucas is an excellent filmmaker, with a special talent for visuals and effects and innovative techniques. This is the guy who built Industrial Light and Magic, for fuck’s sake. You can’t tell me he doesn’t know how to make

I see, thank you for the clarification. I’ve only test-driven the NB, I owned a ‘94 NA. From my memories of looking under the hood briefly at the NB I drove it looked pretty similar but there are clearly details I didn’t notice. That’s too bad about the folding headlights not being able to fit. :(

So this car actually had headlight fluid? Wow. Now all we need is to find a car with muffler bearings...

OOoh, do one up as Herbie the Love Bug! Please?

Explain, please? From everything I’ve read the NA and NB are essentially the same car with some differences in the body and interior. Mechanically, the later NA and early NB are virtually identical including sharing the same engine and transmission and the frames are also identical. What would be all that different

The answer is an NB with an NA front clip. They’re basically the same car, what fits on one will most likely fit the other for the most part. Not that I’ve tried this, mind you, but the platform is the same so it should be able to be made to work.

That’s what the 6-speed manual gearbox is for. If you can’t get good acceleration out of a lightweight car with a real clutch, you’re not doing it right.

Hooray, I’m not the only one who ships Jubilee and X-23!

I love X-23. I hate the blue and yellow costume, always have. She looks better in black, and should be rocking the black outfit. It’s a shame she isn’t carrying a book on her own name, but at least stories about her are getting made so that’s a plus at least.

I agree with everything you said except “did in the name of diversity”, because I don’t think they should. I think they should ONLY do things in the name of good storytelling, plain and simple. There should be no other goal or agenda except to tell the best, most interesting and compelling stories possible. That will