Darth Meow 504

Wow, the Puritanically Correct brigade is out in force, huh? Gods forbid women are presented in any way short of totally desexualized and rendered androgynous. Next step, shaved heads and strapped down chests and burkhas for everybody! Somewhere, an erection is happening, and it must be stopped!

Her name is Spider-Woman and the artist misdrew her costume. The torso marking is supposed to be much larger and shaped like a cross between a diamond and an hourglass, reminiscent of a spider’s abdominal markings.

No. This is incorrect. The original was much larger and something like a cross between a diamond and an hourglass, a spider like marking a bit like a black widow. There was no arrow.

It didn’t. This is misdrawn. The actual design is something of a cross between a diamond and an hourglass across her entire torso, very spider like.

I met people who worked on the films at Dragon Con, and they related the deal with that. The fight choreographer basically had no idea how to work a fight against a four armed opponent like that in a way that didn’t end in Jedi fricassee in seconds so the first thing they did was cut off two of the arms so they could

That’s not the legion they defeat. The legion was defending the main shield generator, you know the big complex with the massive projector dish and the AT-AT? THERE was where Palpatine’s forces were concentrated. The Rebel squad hit a small bunker tied into the system that was lightly defended and created a chain

That is brilliance. Full stop.

It makes sense, actually. Anakin at this point has ample reason to believe that the Jedi are everything that is wrong with the galaxy. They are, to him, cold and arrogant and callous and cruel, and proved it to him by 1) abandoning his mother and telling them to forget her when it was easily within their power to help

You went too far with the crushing the Star Destroyer thing. Maybe cloud the minds of the bridge crew so they make a series of fatal errors? That would make a lot more sense and not be nearly so over the top.

Also, I have no problem with Yoda fighting, that right there is every little old martial arts master character

I half agree. I definitely think Palpatine killed her, and the medical droid just didn’t understand what the hell was going on. In fact it said it didn’t make sense, there was nothing medically wrong with her... and then said “it’s AS IF she’s just lost the will to live”. It’s a confused stab in the dark way of trying

He caught a backlash from his own lightning and was disfigured. I imagine the reason it looks so puffy and bloated is because there was a lot of swelling, in a week or three that will all go down and he’ll look saggy and wrinkled because his skin has been stretched to two or three times normal and will end up looking

Episode I is the downfall of the prequels. Lucas wasted an entire film on a cinematic abortion so horrible he had to do a soft reboot in between films and restate the entire relevant plot of the thing in the second movie. So, he basically ended up cramming three films worth of story into two, Clones was paced properly

Nooooo was the right line. It was the delivery that spoiled it. Again, Lucas can’t direct emotion out of actors and it ruined the moment.

The big no is too clean, too simply delivered. It should have been a ragged, drawn out anguished thing more of a roar than a word, and finally trailed off into empty, broken silence.

Palpatine DID control both armies, from the word go. And his military doctrine was not a fewer number of high performance fighters, it was huge numbers of cheaply mass produced “good enough” ones. And legions of expendable peons to fly them, as well. So, both sides equipment was his and was his from the beginning. He

There were never any real Seperatists, beyond some pawns in the Trade Federation who didn’t really understand what was going on and actually believed their own cover story. They were ALWAYS a catspaw for Palpatine, created and run by him for the exclusive purpose of providing an an enemy for the Republic and a crisis

In the first movie, Vader was an enforcer, or as TV Tropes calls it “The Dragon” aka a right hand man or subordinate to the main villain if the latter is more a mastermind type. The Dragon handles all the combat and is the one who needs to be physically overcome to defeat the main villain. Essentially, a human guard /

Vader was titled “Dark Lord of the Sith” on every piece of merchandise from day one, long before anyone had any idea what that line even meant. There were theories about it but nobody knew. The main one I remember was that the Sith was a cluster of systems that comprised basically an ancient evil kingdom / mini empire

David Prowse was robbed, he was promised that scene and he deserved it.

I presume all that about Plagueis creating Anakin and what have you comes from EU stuff? Because if so, it’s not canon and never was. Lucas’ official policy was that books, games, etc were potential canon but nothing was confirmed until and unless it was seen on screen. If not, it could be changed or discarded or

Then why don’t you put HER in charge!