Darth Meow 504

The product for women will come if and when there is a demand. I tend to suspect that women find getting actual men far too easy to need such a product and thus the potential audience will be rather low.But who knows? I could be entirely off base and such an item could sell like gangbusters. If so, more power to them.

You are acting like one of those crazy extremists I mentioned. I would suggest you learn that humans are born how we are born, all of us, and have no choice in the matter. Hating anyone for simply being what they were born to be is quite frankly evil. Hate has never solved anything or made anything better for anyone

PS: The Karma system remains a thing of brilliance. No GM has ever had a better tool to motivate players and reward good ones and punish bad, and smooth the rough edges of a game system to keep the good characters around so that the story doesn’t suffer. Every GM is tempted to fudge a bit to keep a bad die roll or

This remains one of the very best game systems ever designed. Sure, it has a few flaws but at it’s base it is intuitive, incredibly fliud, flexible, easy to learn and fast to execute actions in. It’s the smoothest combat system I’ve ever played. I tend to adapt any game I play to use the system, with a few

there was always a fringe element of anti-male anti-sex extremism as promoted by Dworkin and MacKinnon, but it was rightly considered lunacy and the vast majority of feminists (being sane and reasonable people) worked hard to repudiate them and make sure people knew they didn’t represent what feminism stood for.

It is indeed an exciting time, and we as a species are very creative and innovative. We can solve problems in multple ways, and only some of them are foreseeable. For example, imagine a challenge of networking a community in the early 90s. We could say oh, it will take x amount of wire and y amount of switchhubs and

The description of events in the article is quite comprehensive. Is there something in the video that was not mentioned by the author? Was his description inaccurate? If not, then I feel confident making my statements based on the information contained therein.

An 18 or 19 year old is a legal adult, and while the term “teenager” would technically apply the term certainly implies a younger person below the legal age of majority and thus criminalizes any sexual interest in them. If that wasn’t your intention, why the use of the word “creepy”? If she’s an adult, then there’s no

Maybe you haven’t read all the things I have that make me say that. The extremists are out there, and they are a real problem. Do the names Dworkin and MacKinnon ring a bell? The SCUM Manifesto? Do some google research on extremist feminism and tell me the things you find don’t scare you.

But again, let me make this

So what exactly is the point of pissing on ideas? Some scientists are almost gleefully pessimistc and seem to delight in saying “no, can’t be done because reasons” instead of what science should be doing, which is asking “ok what would such a thing take and what potential workarounds to various apparent issues might

I’m pretty sure that several images, some of which are video snippets, are sufficient to be able to determine the apparent age of a character. She appears college age to me. Does she suddenly shrink and sprout pigtails and a little girl’s figure in the full video or something? If not then I feel my statement is a

I hope you’re right, and it really is just a vocal minority. Barring that, I hope the pendulum swings back the other way at some point because I truly feel the feminism of the 70s was much healthier and more positive than what I see today.

I’m just going by the gif and still image, but she looks like a college student to me, but then again I’m not looking to find the worst possible interpretation of anything even remotely sexual like this author seemed determined to.

Nope, not an MRA though there are some legitimate concerns sprinkled among the rabid gynophobia that comprises most of that crowd. I’m actually a second-wave feminist, appalled by the crazed right turn the movement has taken in recent years. This is not the sexual liberation our mothers fought for, and it sure as hell

It’s rather tragic when a positive and necessary movement like feminism gets hijacked by the fringe extremes. Every group has their crazies, but these days it seems the inmates are running the asylum. I truly hope that the awesome sex-positive, choice and empowerment and liberation branch of feminism I grew up with in

Cloud City relies on technology we don’t have, namely hypermatter reactors and repulsorlift generators. The former solves the power problem and the latter the “how does it float” problem. It’s basically a stationary starship that has only hover and station-keeping engines rather than full propulsion. A society that

We’re the weird ones, with our neurotic hangups about basic human sexuality tracing back to primitive Middle Eastern sheepherders. The Japanese are far more healthy about sexuality than we are.

I’m sure you can mod all the female models into shapeless gray blobs if you’re so worried about being aroused by fantasy images, The rest of the modern developed world will laugh at American puritanical puritanism and go on with trating human sexuality as the normal and natural thing that it is.

It used to be that conservatives and feminists were on the opposite ends of the scale on social issues, but in the last decade or two the uniquely American anti-sex prudery and puritanism has infected and infested the feminist movement to the point where Pat Robertson and Anna Sarkeesian pretty much say the same

I couldn’t say for sure. As I said neopagans in general are a very diverse lot and there is no true organization, most that I’m aware of practice alone or in small groups at one another’s homes and there is no heirarchy or anything official. I’m just one person and I am relying on what I was taught which is of course