Darth Meow 504

There isn't a difference at all. It's four pictures of people, probably at conventions, indulging in their fandom in a way that is enjoyable to them and entertaining to others. None of them are harming others in any way, they're just enjoying their hobby.

She was the goddess of sex. So I imagine there was quite a bit of overlap between the concept of catwomen and sexuality. Hell, there still is. It hasn't hurt anyone yet.

The law is that Nazi imagery cannot be displayed or depicted at all, period. The laws were put in place immediately after WWII and were designed to stamp out Naziism entirely. Nobody could fly the flag, wear or display the symbols, use the salute, anything.

The laws are ANTI-Nazi, actually. But you probably knew this.

Now playing

The equivalence is there, you just choose to deny it. Let me reiterate.

Wouldn't that be "pubic relations"?

If I'm not down on a woman for an hour plus I don't feel like I've done my job.

Of course it doesn't when we're talking about titles that will sell home consoles. The WiiU is in huge trouble and a good game for 3DS won't help.


My thoughts exactly. Yeah, the guy claims it exists but I can't imagine how it's physically even possible, let alone a remotely good idea. Crushing a testicle can kill a man through severe hemorrhaging, and even if you manage to avoid that just the squeezing and the pressure of trying to push a testicle into an

We are pretty much in total agreement here, except on the focus on women being the victims more often. Maybe it's just my experience, but those youthful mistakes and shallowness you speak of tend to burn women more than men. Typically, the youthful men use and abuse and discard young women more and the women get hurt

I have to think you made up the "booya" thing. Seriously WTF.

I know the whole "being nice shouldn't entitle you to sex" argument and I agree. Nobody is ever entitled to anything from another person. However, it would benefit everyone but those charismatic sociopaths if we as a society teach the valuing of things like intellect, personality, values, and most especially respect

At least you learned from your mistake. That's more than some can say.

You're not the one with the fatal flaw that doomed your relationship, he is. The fact that he's too shallow, insecure and immature to overlook a simple physical attribute that clearly didn't impede him from liking you otherwise is the problem. None of us are perfect. And if he couldn't grow the fuck up and get over

You are a shining example to all women. Bless you and bravo! I only wish wisdom such as yours was vastly more commonplace, as many many people both male and female would be a lot happier for it.

Thank you! I think you have completely nailed it. We as humans, for the most part at least, have an inborn basic need for love, sex, intimacy, companionship, and affection. We're wired to need it, and it hurts to be deprived of it. No, we don't have the right to demand it from any particular person, but we all have

"But our weight? That's (mostly) a choice"

Yeah but if I'm not mistaken I think those mods were meant to be arousing or amusing. I would be going for the gross-out, just sick disturbing stuff that reflects the demons trying to mess with your mind. Because I think Hell would be worse than just a bunch of rocks and fire, it makes sense for the demons to make it

I've long thought of finding that mod and using it as a base for a truly perverted hellscape where it's just sick and disturbing because, well, demons. Psychological warfare.