Darth Meow 504

You're 90% there. What needs to happen is for society to accept that YES, it's ok to not look like that and that there are more important things than body type that determine the worth of a person. Too often, shaming really does happen and it hurts.

Don't worry, we can't. Body type is genetic, and it's a myth that anyone can just up and change how they're built with diet and exercise. If it could be done, everyone would as almost all of the overweight population in this country lives on one diet or another and struggles to attain a different body shape. It never

I despise the discrimination against plus-size women and am very much pro fat acceptance. I was also born male. Make of that what you will.

I'm going to get flamed to hell for "mansplaining", but honestly this is... wow. Really ladies, do you not understand at all how men work or what is common among us? Because this reads like those jokes about future archaeologists completely misinterpreting things from modern times. It really is that far off the mark.

"Constructed without a permit" just means you didn't pay the right people. Good builders can construct safe and quality stuff without permits and contractors with all their legal paperwork filed can build unsafe garbage.

You miss the point entirely. That is in character, and the person who replied "That's classic Han" gets it.

Real life fact: WWE wrestler The Undertaker was injured during his match Sunday night and was hospitalized for a significant concussion and possible neck injury. He was able, barely, to finish the match but the outcome may have been affected. Some believe he was scripted to win that match but was unable to physically

No actual talent? You try doing the things they do. You know how much respect an actor gets when they do their own stunts? These guys do that on a weekly or sometimes even nightly basis, live in front of an audience of thousands or millions, and with a road traveling schedule.

Sorry I got a bit aggressive in my debating. It wasn't meant to be personal. Best wishes to you as well.

To the ancient Greeks, the laws of Zeus were just as much pure reality. To an outsider, an unbeliever, they are myths. One ancient culture's ignorant mythmaking forged in pre-scientific times is no better or worse than any other. Some of them simply haven't been abandoned yet for reasoned, scientific thinking, but

Yes, that is "religious woo-woo". Deal with it. To you, it's a "sacred covenant" and to everyone else it's a myth-based superstitious practice dating back to the time of primitive sheepherders who jack shit about science, biology, nature, or the universe.

The woman playing "Fats" is beautiful in my opinion. I'd feel very lucky if I got a chance to romance a woman like her.

Or ten Miatas.

Look up "chilling effect". That is all.

What a horrifingly paternalistic worldview. Who are you to decide what "our" society's social values are? And to demand they be enforced by law? We are a nation of multiple religions and cultures and subcultures, and no one has any right or business enforcing theirs on other people. WE make our OWN decisions what

Exactly what I was going to post. Keeping it illegal only harms women, and the government really, Really, REALLY needs to get OUT of the business of regulating consensual sexuality. Legislating subjective morality is bullshit and needs to be abolished.

Konya wa hurricane!

Except that's total bullshit. For the most part, the men are hyper-masculine and the women hyper-feminine, but aside from some glaring bad examples female superheroes haven't been depicted as useless decoration since the 1950s. You might read masculine as "active and capable / dominant" and feminine as "sexual

Wow, this thread has been necro'd. Since I'm now seeing this reply, I'll answer you.

You're hung up on the "humans as energy" thing despite that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the simulation or the access issues we spoke of. Moreover, it's highly likely that the Matrix is a net energy loser and the Machines built

In common usage, the word "vagina" can be used in it's technically correct sense as the internal vaginal canal, or as a catch-all word for the entirety of the female genitalia. I'm sure you probably knew that, but I'm just pointing out that usage sometimes does change the meaning of words whether language purists like