Darth Meow 504

Given that male superheroes are based on professional wrestlers and circus strongmen, they pose and flex all the bloody time, especially on covers. As I've stated, my premise isn't based on "attractiveness" per se, it's that both male and female characters are displayed with "idealized" bodies based on exaggerated

Gods, I love me some Mohawk Storm.

Society as a whole is "Sosickofbigots", more so all the time, so I suggest you either get on the right side of history or be left behind as a bitter, hateful dead-ender for the remainder of your days. It's your choice. The rest of us are moving on with or without you.

You reallly don't get it, do you?

Here's another image of the same outfit. And that's just being nice and sticking to the modern stuff, because anything older than the last decade is literally nudes with lines and color added. These days, the trend is to add seams and wrinkles and textures to disguise the process a little more and give a slightly more

Having and displaying sexual preferences and attractions is not sexism. Molding one's fantasy figures in deference to those preferences and tastes is not sexism. If it were, every one of us would be guilty of "sexism" just by not sleeping with anyone who asks.

The "objectification" argument is nonsense, because these are not people. They are imaginary figures, literally fantasy objects. Explain to me, how in the name of fuck do you objectify an object?

Please refer to my reply to DerseDreamer.

I never claimed "all women" like anything. I explained the basics of secondary sexual characteristics as shown in male and female humans, in general, and stated that based on those that both male and female comic characters contain idealized or exaggerated displays of secondary sexual characteristics.

You and I have a very different idea of "fully clothed", apparently. Body paint masquerading as spandex does not qualify in my opinion. If the artist told you that Cyclops was wearing body paint and a belt in that image, would you be able to tell whether or not that was true? It might be colored in blue, but as far as

You asked for an image of a superhero male in a costume that looked like body paint, with a bonus for crotch shots. You specifically stated that Cyclops is never shown crotch-first. I found you both in one picture, body-paint costume AND junk pointed right at the camera. I win.

There ya go. Cyclops, front and center, same build, crotch pointed straight at the camera. Took me two minutes on Google. The article it came from is pretty interesting as well and a lot of the posters there make similar points to mine.

I'll simply refer you to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waist%E2%80%93hip_ratio and leave it at that. You can argue with the conclusions of scientific sources cited in the entry, but they are not my own. I didn't do the research, I simply read and absorbed the results and thus repeat them as fact to the best of my

Please refer to my reply to "the cow is not allowed" for a more full response, but I will make a few direct points to you.

I'll be honest, I can't really disagree with what you've written here. Often fanservice and cheesecake do go over the top to the point where I myself find it silly or distasteful or both. You and others are perfectly in line for calling it out. I myself don't write my female characters that way, and hold myself to a

I'm going to reply to you, DerseDreamer, and Sarah J in the same post because you're making the same point. I say to you, speak for yourselves. You might not "like men with too many muscles", to quote Susan Sarandon's character in Rocky Horror Picture Show. You might like them more than you admit to maintain your

You've got it backwards. I'm not advocating "enforcing" or "imposing" anything. What I'm arguing is that there is nothing wrong with fanservice or cheesecake or in catering to an audience that likes those things. You can argue whether or not it's tasteful, but it's not some form of injustice perpetrated against the

I'm sorry. I find it hard to take you seriously at this point. I don't know what comics you've been reading, but I see images like the one you posted in comics ALL THE TIME. Often the men are more heavily muscled, but it's the same thing. The spandex they wear might as well be body paint, and their eyes are concealed

And I "love" it when people who've never met me presume I'm privileged. You know who's privileged? About 1% of the global white male population. The rest of us get nothing but blamed for their bullshit.

Yeah, this is bullshit and it's always been bullshit. It's cute, but ultimately meaningless.