
Yes, it does. Belief is the act of believing in something.

American gods is as unfilmable as Watchmen, and Zack Snyder did his best with the 3.5 hour version, but it still was leagues behind original.

I want The Morrigan.

AN atheist BELIEVES in the non-existence of God. So he has beliefs.

It's about the willingness of the people to give out their own power to an entity they themselves create.

The explanation is right there in the name. Mr. World.

Media and content drives technology. Media is plural of medium, and it can exist in any medium, be it book or tablet writing or internet.

They did play around with the comic book's depictions and story a bit, since it has been a few years since it came out and culture changed rapidly even in between that….

ıt's called the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. An object in space can never be fully observed in a quantum level with maximum certainty on both time and space. One or the other will have an uncertainty equation attached.

or, as it was pointed in the writing, Tartakovsky really liked the ending of Gurren Lagann. Which, is pretty much a given, that is one of the most striking endings to an anime I have ever seen.

Your reliance on experiments over concrete life experience is telling.

I dunno, all I can say is that I perfectly remember who said what when police was murdering my friend in the next cell, so I can easily swallow future barry remembering shit word for word.

Well, it's also hard to imagine Clark Kent going crazy and murdering Billy Batson in cold blood, but that's exactly what happened in Injustice.

Thx, but unnecessary. Lots of friends of lots of people die every day in that part of the world. That's why I got the fuck out.

As a straight guy, I…. I mean she was okay, but I'm also a nerd and I kinda always think that "she'll instantly suck all the heat from you" when I see that white skin.

There is the speedster brain, and then there's the fact that certain traumatic moments tend to imprint really really bad in human mind.

It's called nihilism. It's the only thing that gets me out of the bed these days.

See, that's where we diverge. Because I fucking hate Glee, and never watched more than 4-5 episodes of it.

Hiding my speciality is my speciality.

Well, Aragorn has a speech in the book as well. Not at that point, or not at the exact same sentiment, but movie took inspiration from that.