
So very important question.

the four swimmers spoke to U.S. State Department officials and they agreed to shut up. Almost immediately after the briefing, Lochte “walked across the street” and gave an interview

So that “Christian” blogger who thinks Joanna should pay more attention to her kids wrote about Jezebel in a completely not passive aggressive way.

She should have picked him up too.

I dunno, I really like her “Brazilian boyfriend” Arthur Mariano:

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.

I feel like the choices just get worse after they hit the iceberg. Why didn’t they just not sink? Salt water makes everything buoyant and for fuck’s sake, that’s a BOAT. What’s more buoyant than that? I feel like they weren’t even trying to get to America or wherever they were going.

Simone dropping some fyah bars there.

She absolutely should have.

My (inner) response to when my dad says, “If we can get Trump in the whitehouse,”:

All it takes is another guy like this to take Trump’s rhetoric as seriously as Dear took the Planned Parenthood videos...

Ok. I’ll be that person.

The “it’s just jealousy” part irks me.

e m o t i o n a l