Howdy folks

I grew up vegetarian, so fake veggie blood sounds more appealing than real blood (but neither sounds great). It’s funny though, a restaurant next to my house has the impossible burger and I’m too squicked out to try it because it looks and smells TOO beefy. My meat-eating husband has had it and really enjoyed it

Thank you, Wende.

Whoa, kinda feel like the whole "Lewan threatened to rape a victim" thing needed to be higher up... 

Reactions like these are why Conservatives fucking hate Liberals and can’t take a conversation about race seriously.

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

Imagine watching a teenager forced to cut his hair or essentially cost his team/friends any chance at a win and thinking, “What a team player” and not, “Holy shit, that ref is a real piece of shit.” The fact that they didn’t make him buzz it or even get all of the dreads (but just a hatch job trim) basically

I’ve asked this before, maybe a couple months back, when I saw the same spelling being used, but isn’t it supposed to be ‘psych’? As in, I offered my hand to you, you fell for it and reached out, let your guard down, I psyched you out, with my mental trick, my psychological warfare?

Lauren Kraus, Geoff Marcy and now, Tyson. Astrophysicists tend to be nerds that go googly eyed when they get some power over women. Einstein, Richard Feynman and even Stephen Hawking were known sexual harassers too.

He looks like an abusive douche and she sounds like she was purposely trying to record a conversation with the sole intent of giving herself an out down the road if things went south.

I feel smarter for reading this. And dumber because I’m the same species as these people who believe in DEWs and Chemtrails. Seriously you don’t think we would see an airplane shooting lasers above the forest of paradise in California....

The fact that the two of them soldiered on with their press conference in light of the incredibly amazing internet drubbing they got yesterday is honestly hysterical and sad at the same time. This is what happens when a 20-year-old has already gone through a major legal proceeding and got off with a slap on the wrist.

It always bothered me that they explained that the reason Shelly Long’s character wasn’t married to Ed O’Neill anymore was that “she was crazy” and alluded to some undefined mental illness.  I guess they needed a reason for all the kids to be so close to their kind-of-gross dad and estranged from mom, but “woman be

So basically the one person on that damn show who I was actually happy to see still getting a paycheck. Way to go, Modern Family, kill off the over the 60 yr old+ woman who has so many other roles waiting in the wings for her. How innovative!

They should be able to check that actual number from where the call is coming against the number that is being transmitted as the source. Similarly, somewhere is this world there is a phone system blasting out thousand and thousands of calls per day - every day. Even an active, prosperous business only makes so

On a similar thread about this shit, another commenter mentioned the weird, long calls and/or voicemails all in Mandarin - which I’ve also received.

It’s nice when you have that ability. I need to answer most (or all) calls I receive as many incoming calls are either time-sensitive or the only chance I’m likely to get to gain a customer. I’m paid to use my phone number as my business number for this reason. I also work with a very wide group of clientele from many


“I am so frightened that my sons might not be granted the immense privileges, free rein, and total lack of accountability that I believe is their white male birthright... as it was mine, and my father before me, and his father before him...”

Well thankfully his divorce arrangements (from the ex-wife he cheated on whilst she was pregnant, just like the top bloke he is) should hopefully limit the time he can spend corrupting his children.

After this, and what he said about women needing to stay out of the workplace if they can’t “handle it”, AND basically his entire history...I’m scared for his daughters.