
Breaking checking someone is illegal. 

i read this as sarcasm.  but the sad reality is that some will take this seriously.

I also don’t think there’s an insurance company in the world that would fault the accident on the only driver who’s actually in the driver’s seat.”

They probably could have just added, “He’s kinda Middle-Eastern-looking...”

Should have said it was a black man smoking a joint.

If autopilot is as good as these morons think it is, then there won’t be an accident.

Call 911, get in front of him and slam on the brakes. These idiots need to be stopped.

Crosshair and Tech—who also have significantly lightened hair colors

Lol I can’t with this, this is absurd. Kanan? Even poor Kanan is getting drug into this nonsense? I assumed, using common sense, Kanan was a bit darker in Rebels because he spent lots of time on various desert planets, catching a light tan, he’s white. The clones? God damn, nope, nothing from me, they’re fine, they’re

Regular reminder that the very concept of a Clone Army is completely ridiculous and it’s hilarious that they all inexplicably have Kiwi accents. Accents don’t work like that! Also has anyone ever considered that Kanan might just of had a tan from hanging out on desert planets? 

It has been said by many and must be said again: Babylon 5 really needs to be on this list. There were some amazing battles on that show, and with a real human element to them. Lots of folks have mentioned “Severed Dreams”, and yeah, that is a real killer of a space battle, really showing the heavy cost of a battle

Now playing

I will also mention the final Shadow War battle was terrific (for the technology you had to work with on a show that defied what the network wanted to give it)

In total agreement about B5. Sure, the art of CGI has advanced quite a bit since then, and you could nitpick that you wouldn’t actually see lasers in a vacuum, but it was huge step in the right direction.

Starfuries > X-wings. Sorry, Wedge.

I think a case could be made for including Babylon 5 here - almost any of the big fights.

Babylon 5! 

BSG and B5 should both get special mention for not having their spaceships maneuver like airplanes.

Babylon 5 had some great space battles. The CG was a bit rudimentary, but the Earth starfighters actually following physics was such a revelation. And I’m a sucker for energy weapons powerful enough to carve a ship in half in one shot.

BSG and B5 should both get special mention for not having their spaceships maneuver like airplanes.