
Let me go log in to other browsers so I can click on this article again and again. These articles are what deserve the clicks.

to all the people sucking Elon’s dick in the comments: Jalopnik reports on Tesla’s FSD failures because TESLA MARKETS THEIR VEHICLES AS SELF DRIVING. If Tesla didnt advertise their vehicles as self driving, this wouldn't be a problem.

I watched the first 3 turns then thought the video was done with a few seconds left.

“seriously terrifying", “bursts of traffic” , “dicey” , “it just goes”.......I’m so scared of the Robot Overlords

They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

Damn, David, I’m not one to gush, but this is the kind of content that keeps me coming back. It’s not just a report of “Here’s something that happened” but rather it’s a dive into why it happened, complete with sweet sweet math to back it up!

Racing is for racing, not for testing. If I wanted to watch a race get decided by a “challenging surface” I’d watch rally.

I think they’d be somewhat crazy not to, but it is GM afterall. Corvette has been such a staple of endurance racing, giving many American fans a reason to care, if you will.

Literally everyone else has a GT3 these days. I’m sure GM can manage. These histrionics are embarrassing.

GT3 is where its at! I hope they go this route.

Come on America, you folks all have guns.”

Come on America, you folks all have guns. No one would fault you for solving this issue yourselves...

Aurora police: Walk down the street while black? Death sentence

WOW. Someone hit that with the fugly stick, HARD.

Calm down.

Dude, I am Canadian. The South can go up a tree, please and thank you.

Because Pontiac was ditched before we started actually having useful discussions about appropriating the names of oppressed minority groups to sell products?

good luck buying replacements. /s

I love these articles.