Darryl Stewart

I've read them all but not certain off the top of my head.  I think it was the one with the woman who had committed suicide using  guns tied to a bridge and had framed her husband's lover for the death but I'll have to look it up to see how close I am.

John Douglas is  a name from the canon as well although there appears to be no connection to the original in this case:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

doesn't seem to want to let me reply to you so thanks UWIR! :)

Thanks! :) (I've never seen SOTL so maybe I'd have thought of that if I'd seen it)

Speaking of M. it's s shame they seem intent on bringing in Moriarty this year. I'd love them to do the M squared   gimmick in the episode title and bring in Mycroft first and then bring in Moriarty in M cubed. (typing them out as I don't know how to do the 2 and 3 signs on my keyboard)

I thought of two of the deaths from Se7en—Gluttony and Sloth.

Since I like cheap jokes, I'd love Florence Welch to join since  they wouldn't have to change the name of her band.  I'm not sure what they would sound like together musically, though.

I don;t know how to edit or I'd just edit mine but thanks A J. :)

It's Lars Dad who seems to be even more metal than he is.

Have Tom Baker and William Shatner ever acted in anything together?  If not, how do we go about making that happen before one of them pops their clogs as I'd really like to see them work together?

You can theoretically see them working together on a segment from Jim'll Fix It but you have to deal with Jimmy Savile as well. I think it was called "A Fix With Sontarans".

If you think about it…given all the things he's done, the people he's saved, the monsters he's beaten…it's a testament to The Doctor's fundamentally good nature that MORE (sorry for the caps but I don't know how to do italics on here) of his incarnations aren't complete bastards.

Isn't Dave Grohl supposed to be "The Nicest Guy In Rock"?

Isn't Dave Grohl supposed to be "The Nicest Guy In Rock"?

Lulu, St, Anger…I'm guessing either Load/ReLoad is the 3rd-worst?

Lulu, St, Anger…I'm guessing either Load/ReLoad is the 3rd-worst?

If they are re-releasing everything, I hope they remaster them so we can actually hear the bass more often.

If they are re-releasing everything, I hope they remaster them so we can actually hear the bass more often.