Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

Regardless, the decision to perform the song wearing dark face paint was ill-advised,

I was hoping for DeSantis for a different reason, which is that Trump would absolutely become the Ross Perot to Ron’s Bush Sr.

Did you really “so-so” national treasure?!? That movie IS a national treasure. The second film is “so-so”.

Completely agree with this but don’t forget about White Christmas. That shouldn’t just be on the list, but basically topping it.

The correct answer is anything from Spirited Away.

Nobody is going to do this. Hardcore fans have already seen these things a hundred times, and the rest of us aren’t going to do a bunch of homework to watch a movie starring an abusive shithead.

Multiverse movies are popular at the moment because we appear to be living in one of the darker timelines, and it’s comforting to think there are better timelines out there. Audiences want to see Tobey Maguire and Michael Keaton suit up again because most of our lives were better in the 90s and 00s. The multiverse

I think they’re putting a stake in the ground to indicate that non-Pro (read: cheaper) versions of this tech are incoming, if not imminent.

Guess this is why they’re so against abortion.

This article has made me wonder if this season was planned before whatever powers decided they needed Grogu back sooner, and Grogu’s inaction is because it was written assuming he wasn’t there.

This the right take - who on earth is asking for this?

It’s not that they ‘like’ looking over your shoulder, that’s simply their job.

1. Avatar and Top Gun never had a chance to win the Oscar for Best Picture, and if you are a pop culture writer who legitimately thought they did, you need to do some serious consideration of how you approach your field. There was no glimmer of hope ever.

Everybody’s dad loved Green Book.

Truly the most random appearance of Godwin’s Law I’ve ever come across

Now playing

Apologies to all actual sports movies about fighting, but THIS is the best bout in movie history.

The poll question in question seems to be the most asinine question ever — until you understand the real (dog-whistling) context behind it.

I mean, none of that sounds uncommon for what happens to shared property in a divorce. If the genders were reversed, we wouldn’t see any problem with a lesser-earning woman making a claim for all or part of a marital asset like the house. The law pretty much says that it doesn’t matter if one spouse makes the money
