Yes, he does...
Yes, he does...
Lance Reddick fucking rules.
They have a perfectly good (I mean, GREAT) Lance Reddick just sitting there as the main character for a Continental show,and instead they go with this.
Depends which direction you shoot it
Evolutionary psychology is such a scam rooted conveniently in patriarchy and capitalism.
It cracks me up when people refer to new automatics as slushboxes when the ZF 8-speed in the Stinger is basically a magic box of wonder. I’ll always have a manual in my track car, but I have that transmission in my daily and I truly can’t say enough good things about it. But okay grandpa, go back to yelling at clouds…
You are making this about race. You’re also 100% correct. There’s no shame or reason not to point out injustice when it happens, and this is absolutely one of those times. If this was a 15 year old black girl or boy, they’ve be on trial as an adult and the prosecutors would be seeking the maximum possible penalties.
“Only 520 miles? Needs to be 1,000. If it were 1,000, I’d buy one tomorrow.”
I’ll be patiently waiting in the comments for someone to come say how this EV won’t work for them because their commute is 600 miles each way in the snow towing a 12,000lb trailer.
Oh cool. A t-totalling scold. Fun.
This list is dumb, The Shining is not ruined because of the pandemic. Stopped reading after that.
“the same mediocre saccharine crap that passes for music today”
I always understood Succession to be more about the Murdoch family. The Trumps are just much more in the limelight and an easier comparison for most people.
Nah, he’s right - this nefarious policy of “Democracy” will mean the GOP will eventually cease to be able to win elections! It must be stopped!
People Smart Enough to Know What Fraud Is Make Correct Choice
He’s a good guy.
Fucking swine. I hope this pig piece of shit rots in jail, assuming they have the balls to put him there where he belongs.
Here’s a prettier picture. Very easy to maintain weight distrobution. Can share a platform with an ICE drivetrain by designing the battery module & BMS to use the same attachment points and be the same physical size as the ice engine it replaces. Same with the rear subframe assembly, just make it bolt up in the same…
I do not agree with these rankings. Instagram, Has this ever happened to you, party house, and horse ranch should all be wayy higher