Darrin Ray Bryant

I can't wait til he's fat, bald, 30, and sitting behind a desk at a car dealership as we reminisce on SEC: Storied life, or whatever the fuck that is.

Notice how this will be covered as "charming" by the media, yet if Clowney did it he'd be "a thug."

Tights, leggings, thigh highs, stockings...praise the female form and the clothing that enhances it.

I did not know hovercrafts of that size exist

Having driven a Model S, I can say it's a very impressive bit of kit. For their first go at a fully built car of their own, 'Merica should be proud of Tesla.

This is what freedom looks like.

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This is how you do commentary. Learn from the best.

What's the point of testing for steroids when this guy's been all hopped up on drugs for years and not failed anything "official" test for years? Seems to me, this is just a highlight of the structural issues with testing in sports. He's like the Lance Armstrong of baseball.

I still like this version of Breaking Bad

You can be courteous while being frank, though. Being constructive with criticism is better than being destructive. Even if they suck, there's no reason whatsoever to tear them down other than fueling the critic's own ego.

Grabbed up crackdown on the 360 since it's free this month. It's not that good. Is there a point to it, or is it overly open world? I've ran into "boss" fights from time to time, but otherwise, there doesn't seem, to be a story. The narrator dude is a bit annoying, reminding you constantly of what to do in the

Free Bruce!


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Really awesome and Funny, but big spoilers if you haven't played or finished the game yourself

The sub-surface scattering gave it away. While nice, and technically accurate, it was too light/white. It should have probably been a little closer to flesh colored. Aside from that it was pretty hard to tell if I didn't go in to close and nit pick.

To my eyes, these images are utterly incredible and anyone who posts snark about the tiniest details, especially without admitting how good they actually are, just sounds like a trolling hipster. Again, incredible images.

I agree with CliffyB, telling somebody that they should go kill themselves is exactly what the internet needs more of.

I'd care more if this was coming from a person who didn't think the problem with AAA game development right now is they aren't getting enough money.

I hate J.J. Watt with a passion...like, intensely. Having hands the size of a "Porterhouse-for-two" at Longhorn is, quite frankly, unfair. Any pass that goes within a zip code of him seems to get knocked down, and I wish great physical harm upon him.