You can get into trouble with a straw purchase, but the state has to prove that you knew there was a good chance a crime would be committed with the gun. Hard to prove nowadays.
You can get into trouble with a straw purchase, but the state has to prove that you knew there was a good chance a crime would be committed with the gun. Hard to prove nowadays.
Only guy I know that hunts with an AK-47 is 300lbs, sits in a heated deer blind/tent thing, 30 yards away from this automatic corn feeder thing that his "prey" comes up to dinner. I'm not completely sure that this counts as hunting anymore.
I find this line of reasoning very amusing, the whole "fuck it and not bother" line. As if in most cases, not familiar with NY CC licenses, the whole background check and waiting period is just too much. On the other hand, the NRA loving repubs, call BS on the same claim about voter id concerns that people would…
Article 9 of the Japanese constitution " the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. (2) To accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be…
walmart = $129 right now
Glen Beck hasn't been known to let a mere things like facts get in the way of good rant.
There are actually two NPC Sirens in Borderlands 2. Lilith and another one whom I shall not spoil for people.
Indeed, but lets not forget about Flutie Flakes either. Buffalo has a long history of cereals for their football players for whatever reasons.
Well, you can question what the term extreme really means, but communism is a branch of socialism, often in the vein of revolutionary socialism. In fact Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the road to communism. The most important thing is that socialism is economic in nature,…
You are more correct than you may realize with your statement of chicken houses in Georgia. Georgia is the number #1 state for production of chickens in the States, followed by Arkansas. 1.3 billion boiler chickens produced in 2010 for Georgia, 1billion for Arkansas. You are also mostly correct that it is…,,SB111266108673297874,00.html
Socialism is really more of an economic policy than a form of government, while communism is both. Communism is also an "extreme" version of socialism. What most people don't seem to understand is that in a Socialist system you can still exercise both capitalism and democracy.
While you seem a bit harsh on poor jvenez up there, you are certainly correct on a few matters. My wife is a recent vet grad, and she can handle herself just fine on large animals. People seem to assume that just because you are male, you are stronger than a woman. I knew a few male vet students that were 5'8 140…
You hit on the head there. Food production salaries are not as good as small animal practice a lot of the time. The numbers my wife was given, recent vet school grad, was roughly 15-20k lower avg. for food vs small animal. That is a big difference for recent grads that have, like you said, 100-150k in student loans…
What the U.K. is seeing is no different than the U.S. vet schools are seeing. My wife's vet school class was roughly 115 big, and I'd say that no more than 30 were males. Women make up the majority of the working vet population by a fair amount.
Nonsense, much like in the D3 community, if you don't like the game (whole or part), then you are "entitled" "whiney" or just a "noob, L2P".
Indeed, this is perhaps the most confusing thing about the ending. Bioware proved during the course of the game that they could still tell a solid story that made us feel for the characters, different races, and choices we made. Your example of the Quarian/Geth mission is a great example. I too was feeling a bit of…
I'm with ya really. The first Die Hard is the best, followed by the 3rd. 2nd and 4th are somewhat tied, though I'm give the 4th a slight lead I suppose. Really don't understand why hollywood can't make a decent action movie nowadays. If they would just spend a bit more time on characters and plot, instead of…
The true hate concerning this one appears to be centered around the fact that it only affects the most loyal of the fanbase, those that have played both of the first two games carrying over the same save file. Considering that ..... it is a pretty embrassing bug to release it with. Other than that, and the troll…
While finding true hard numbers on this is pretty much not going to happen, I think that AOClaus is pretty much right. A majority of people are in the range of hate or meh concerning the ending. I've seen a number of polls, even one on the BioWare website, when paint the picture of the majority thinking the ending…