Darraign the Sane

Amazon Might Be Ruining Comic Books for Everyone

I'll leave this here (if the image post works)

I'll leave this here:

Here you go Nathan Fisk/Glenn Beck hybrid, I've even dug up a cartoon to explain it to you:

You make a level headed sensible argument, as opposed to some people (see Nathan Fisk/Glenn Beck), but I do still disagree.

Oh, you cute holier-than-though extremist types. Keep living in your fantasy world. All I can do in reply to your kind of denial and hate mongering is to give you this article in return, written (proposedly) by Lemony Snicket in a story-book fashion, so that you or any child may understand it:

Yes, they are... unfocused. But, despite what the mainstream media is telling people, there is a group in D.C., and there are groups in major cities *around the entire world*, not just on Wall Street. It's as I've said in previous comments; they no more have the answers than any individual such as myself does, but

Well first, I don't have any goal (which you apparently do), and I'm not making any assumptions other than:

Perhaps. Now comes the hard part; how do you pick a message without slack-jaws being able to tear it down? Maybe it is also enough just to have such a large threat of force; be it a market, political, or (hopefully not) physical force will draw enough attention for those who can change things to change them for the

I just hope you're not right. I remember having various discussions over the past few years about the economy, and about the only conclusion I could ever come to was that if the powers-that-be didn't fix what's wrong with the economy and government soon, we'd be seeing class warfare in the next few years. Then this

It's as I said, the problem is that people see some person with a talking point that they would like to make getting interviewed on TV, then all of the sudden that's what the entire message of the movement is boiled down to. There's no room for an individual's opinions to be just that, everyone who speaks must be the

Yeah, I can see that people would take offense at being represented by some of the morons that they are interviewing on TV, but people need to realize that it's not that simple, not that black and white.

Haha, funny. So, in reality:

I love how the people who oppose the OWS protests give examples of their life and how they've managed to make good for themselves; ergo this means that everything is sunshine and flowers for the whole rest of the world. What kind of ego does it take to truly believe that your own personal situation constitutes an

While I actually tend to agree with the idea, I think that crowds as large as we're seeing worldwide really can accomplish something simply through the perceived threat of force, not simply potential violence (which hopefully should not be the case), but also as a market force or a political force.

I think you've said it all quite succinctly, and yes, some of those people are making grossly inaccurate statements. However, I also think that the fact that there are so many people willing to protest (whether they say correct things or not) is a sign of just how messed up the system is.

It's working out just fine, and you must watch a lot of Fox news.

"what that person does is ILLEGAL, what a corporation does, is NOT illegal


"...unless of course you're a member of the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club, in which case all this is yours for free. Don't you feel special?"