
I think as a commentary on Bowie it works well. But as an earned in-universe part of the film, it does not. It only makes sense if you have the shibboleth of understanding where Bowie went when he "came into the closet" and went through his plastic soul and dance-pop phases.

The prequels, to me, are a master class in introducing really interesting and nuanced possibilities and then absolutely bungling them. Like midichlorians: the idea that the Force is both a quasi-meditative spiritualist force and a nineteenth-century "weird science" elemental force which some people are physically

"Velvet Goldmine" is Citizen Kane but with more glam rock and a penis, and one of the weirdest, most arbitrary twist endings any film has ever had.

And I owe it all to you.

My best friend, while high as fuck one day, declared that the theme from Dirty Dancing becomes hilarious if every instance of "the time of my life" is replaced with "sex with a horse."

Look up Roger Daltrey as Judas- there are additional lyrics for his meltdown never used in any other recording.

Nowadays Disney has a few "patched social clubs" dedicated to keeping the park experience positive. They do not take kindly to people fighting or using the park as a location for drug deals, apparently.

"That's the guy I was telling you about."

Randall Flagg, a level of evil slightly above Supertramp. Slightly.

Trump HAS been asking people to say "my life for you."

I know the voice and basic mannerisms began as Paul Lynde in the earlier days. But the way the character has evolved, with the antisocial deviant sociopathic elements of it, and the voice becoming a little less nasal and back of the throat, have brought it a little more towards Dick in my ears.

I just now realized how blatantly Roger Smith on "American Dad" is styled after Andy Dick.

"Sock it… to ME?"

I was a glee club accompanist to pay my rent in grad school, living with a lesbian who ran a pop culture blog. We would eat ice cream and watch Glee, mocking it constantly. We threw so much vitriol at Monteith for his flat affect, dead eyes and limited acting skills, usually insinuating that he was drugged up on

I always wonder where "the line" is with him. Clearly he's playing the comedic persona of the worst person ever, but where's the break between art and truth? When I think of him, I always think of the first track on his CD, "Love Ninja." It feels like a Sandler song at first, but it goes to a steadily darker and more

It's satire and the point it subtly insinuates is that Trump is the biblical antichrist.

I actually came here to mention that. I mean, if you're going to name your daughter Gypsy Rose, it might help if you try NOT to be a pathological liar and grifter who physically, mentally and sexually warped your children through Munchausen by Proxy.

So, you're proposing a statue of Gypsy Rose Blanchard be dedicated?

Get the remastered double-disc Harder They Come soundtrack. It's the perfect late-spring/early-summer music.

There is a video with Badalamenti explaining the creation and structure of Laura's theme. Very enlightening.