
Larry Underwood was a Rod Stewart type when originality conceived in the early 70s (a white soul singer most people had not seen and assumed was black; it was a different era for Rod in the late 60s), but had been re conceived as a Hall and Oates type in the 80s.

A Disney channel star my composer is friends with almost played Tiger Lily in my Off-Bway show, but after Rooney Mara everyone unanimously said we needed a POC instead. We lucked out, as our Tiger Lily is now playing opposite Josh Groban and making waves.

"For the last time, Mr. President, the lyrics are not 'O'er the land of the free, where it burns when I pee.' It wasn't funny when you were in middle school, and it's not funny now just because it's true."

They gave Veronica Jughead's background from the reboot: formerly almost unrealistically rich, but reduced to the lower-middle class by shady/failed business dealings.

His line about "I am not normal, I am not WIRED to be normal" left me wondering if Jughead is somewhere towards the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum. The rebooted comics have hinted at it- his asexuality couples with a repeatedly-expressed disconnect from humanity, a strong dislike of changing plans or

The band Seeming put out a song a few years ago called "Goodnight London" about the world (or so it is implied) committing mass suicide by unleashing its nuclear arsenal, and the people of the earth saluting it as a final sendoff of a failed species.

That's the law that says Honey Boo Boo is an elaborate fictional construct that all of us buy into or reject with different levels of sincerity and/or irony, right?

He's gonna sing the Broadway standard "Old Man River," but the controversial original version where the first word is "n*****s."

What do we think will happen first: this guy start his project, or The Protomen finally finish theirs?

But if we're talking about that neighborhood, let us pause and discuss Vincent's/Conforti's. The most wonderful gastric punishment imaginable.

Feud season 2: Stephen King versus himself. Starring Rainn Wilson as King?

Is this still a period piece Heart of Darkness-ish comedy? That's an obscure, if not outright new, genre.

Read the novel "The Fall" by Bethany Griffin. It's a bizarre fusion of young adult, American gothic and the whole "weird house" genre. It's a style mashup of "Gormenghast" and "The Haunting of Hill House," loosely inspired by "The Fall of the House of Usher," but chock full of sneaky references to Haunted Mansion

What I wouldn't give for a movie adaptation of "She Kills Monsters." It would be the best teen comedy since Easy A (or as I prefer to call it, Mean Girls 2).

You can teach range, performance and (to a certain extent) talent. You can't teach charisma.

Without those songs, Born to Run would feel even more like an album-length suicide note.

Hey Jude has this huge, anthemic power, but it peaks and plateaus. Never falls off, but it hits a point it can't go further than and stays there. (I'm partial to the "Love" remix which goes into a breakdown section during the chorus. When I played with a band in college, we always closed "Hey Jude" (and the Beatles

Joel McNeely did a FANTASTIC big-band arrangement of "Sadder But Wiser Girl" for Seth MacFarlane, which I would kill to get the charts for. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I think it's worth noting that there's a market for this. A famous bootleg series has produced "super deluxe editions" of each Beatles album with sessions, alternate takes, non-album singles, and so on. No Beatles album has ever had the now-standard deluxe edition. I figure they're realizing now that the fans, or at