
Nor are all big bald guys Nazis. Frankly, I never really picked up that stereotype- I still see "harbors Nazi sympathies" and picture a small, effete Peter Cushing type. Nazi Brass material.

Grammer's usual voice isn't quite that plummy; he went full Sideshow Bob for this role.

Faith Prince has always been a TV jobber, even as onstage she remains a not-quite cult diva. Remember her as the mom on that cop show for one episode? And the mom on House for one episode?

For what it's worth, he looks somewhat healthier on The Odd Couple.

Oh… Harry Caray. I thought you were doing an inexplicable impersonation of Jennifer Coolidge on "2 Broke Girls."

I've seen a few gay couples change their last name to Love or to Equality.

I'm a little disappointed that Olaf looks Jewish but the kids don't, given that the series of books is a subtle and intentional subversion of the "innocent Gentiles preyed upon by crypto-Jewish schemer" narrative so popular in penny dreadfuls and serial novels.

Gorey wasn't much of a narrative author. He preferred his own invented form of half-size, borderline-nonsensical picture books, combining the nineteenth-century "literary nonsense" genre with his gothic and noir preoccupations. Almost all of his output is assembled in four coffee table books, the Amphigorey series.

What about Bunbury Crumhorn?

And hunting vampires!

Did Lynch read Murakami? The mid-period Murakami surrealist novels felt like Lynch ripoffs to me until I checked the dates on them.

Personally, I prefer "moved to San Junipero."

My favorite local cinema has six dollar evenings and four dollar matinees, full-size screens, a bar and grill that serves surprisingly good food, complete with pool hall and vintage arcade games, and a rock wall/trampoline park/Ninja Warrior gym/high-dive simulator. Fifteen bucks gets you a movie ticket and access to

Das Butt.

Trump is to Nazis as Dolores Umbridge is to Death Eaters and pureblood supremacists.

In which Benvolio, who has retreated into seclusion after his boyfriend is killed in a duel, carefully orchestrates the death of every Montague, Capulet and noble he can find.

Anyone played Ultimate Werewolf? Any thoughts on it? I'm in talks for the stage rights to the property, and I'm trying to build a semi-interactive "randomly generated musical" around it, but I'm stalled a little on the specifics of how to work it onstage.
Those of you who have played the game, what are your thoughts

That's because we went from "learning is rare," to "learning is good," to "learning is bad, free-thinking and independence is good," all the way to "thinking is bad!"

Sounds like a "funny funeral" number in a second-rate Off Broadway show from the 1970s. The kind that would have some vaguely folksy but nonsensical name like "Shuckadoo" or "Prettymama." A balding, rotund, red-faced man who sweats a lot and shouts near pitch more than he sings would lead the song and there would be

For anyone who hasn't read or seen it yet, Evelyn Waugh's pitch-black satire "The Loved One," and the equally dark but much goofier film version with Robert Morse and Liberace, skewer these pretenses of the funeral industry savagely.