
I am a terrible half-Hispanic, but I can't stand "limon pepino" anything. Cucumber is a salad space-waster, not a zesty flavor sensation I want all up in my food and drink.

When I had to lose a small amount of weight to play Brad in Rocky Horror, my substitution became crushed ice. Thirsty? Water bloats, just eat a mouthful of crushed ice. Hungry? Crushed ice if it's not your two daily meals.

When I was eleven, I had a boring summer day where I decided to see how many times I could do it in a single day.

Can we just have Christopher Walken doing Colonel Sanders as "Colonel Angus," and call it a day?

Colonel Angus?

Or the General Mills Cereal Monsters flexi-discs.

But only on the Outro.

I'm picturing the prosthetic macropenis from "Greasy Strangler."

It's kind of part of the weird subversive ambiguity thing: we assume by "default" that the characters are whimsical British Victorians, but they're modern-ish American Jews. A noir-esque narrator fits the setting better than a Dickensian observer technically does.

The musical is a masterpiece, though I do lament that it softens Bruce a bit too much. He's less abusive and the question of his borderline pedophilia (is he a predator? is he just a troubled man?) never really come to the surface. I get why in this moment it might have been more "useful" to turn the piece into a

I think the alien thing is tangential- much like the inclusion of the two secret societies of American history, the book is in many ways a semi-fictional history of conspiracy theory in America, which slowly but surely touches almost by accident on the "elder gods" of Twin Peaks.

Scottish or British, all dwarves are from Oop North. I wonder if it had anything to do with the association of "dwarves mine," and "the mines in Britain are most famous in the north."

Gary Gygax is just based in Moorcock as his touchstone instead of Tolkien. As is most Japanese media influenced by "Western Fantasy." Tolkien versus Moorcock is the Beatles versus Stones of high fantasy.

That blend of incongruous accents works quite well on "Marco Polo," where it was a diverse court full of foreigners and different languages. Not sure how well it would have flown in a more homogeneous setting.

All Empires sound British. The historical Roman empire of the Holy and Pagan varieties are the traditional example.

That 3TB drive is actually a pretty good deal…

"This is the Big Man, calling all of you from Trump Whitehouse with an important public safety reminder: Anyone darker than Nicole Scherzinger is already under automatic citizens arrest. If they do something suspicious, ANYTHING suspicious, you're deputized!"

Is that where that gag comes from, or does it exist before that in vaudeville or something? It's one of those "this is surely a reference to something" moments in the licensed version of Godspell that befuddle many audiences, like the "slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch" bit (Three Stooges, if you're not up

At McDonalds, in fast food terms you can eat as good or as shitty as you want to. The Buttermilk Crispy Chicken sandwich and whatever premium burger they're offering at any point are usually pretty good, but you can also get a Big Mac and as many McNuggets or Holiday Custards as you can stomach.

Ever see "Clear History?" Keaton plays a reclusive demolitions expert, and he doesn't just hint at Beetlejuice, he does the Beetlejuice character again.