
That gives new, politically incorrect, meaning to "It's a trap!"

The Conan and TJ Miller "cantina extras" sketch on the Star Wars Conan Special gives me faith that Conan will do something just as fun this year.

Red rocket, red rocket, red rocket… *SPLOOOOOGE*

Say it American style, Literally, and it means literally. Say it Mel B style, Litch-rally, and it means "pretty damn much."

You mean, pretty early on? Sounds more like you're saying "Night Vale went downhill ever since social progressivism and diversity became as big a part of it as Twilight Zone absurdism." Which I suppose could be a valid argument, but… it kinda depends on WHY you're making it.

It's more sci-fi pantheism than anything else: Jesus was real, but so are other religions' central figures, and Charles Wallace is to be a prophet/messiah someday too.

Less about ethics, more about ethnics.

He looks like the evil twin version of Ty Burrell there.

There are only two teen-tragedy songs that genuinely give me the chills.

As a kid, I was sure that the growled lyric at the beginning of the song was "Johnny was fat, even as a child everybody could tell/Everyone said if you don't lose weight you'll surely go to hell."

An even more direct and more satirical take is the similarly titled "Goodbye, Eddie, Goodbye" from "Phantom of the Paradise," in which Eddie kills himself to create fodder for his own teen-tragedy song. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

The fact that soft art-pop crooner Todd Rundgren is the same person as musical maniac Todd Rundgren who performed almost all the instruments on that song never fails to blow my mind.

I actually sat and pondered "manga colors" for a minute upon seeing that. It seems to me they're actually trying to put across "CLAMP shoujou manga/yaoi anthology cover" colors, but those terms are a little too insider for mass market.

And Reubens has implied a few times that the porno theatre incident (like his collection of dubious pornography) is more about the transgressive appeal than about the sex itself.

I blame it on the boogie.

Official canon indicates that Han didn't want to admit what happened, so he buried Chewie in the old Bothan graveyard behind his house. Chewie came back, but he came back wrong.

Only the sexually ambiguous, sexually ambivalent Paul Reubens could create a fictional alter ego both more sexually ambiguous and more sexually ambivalent than him. In terms of epicene man-child behavior, only SpongeBob can beat Pee-Wee.

Time to drop the classic urban legend that Ben Vereen is not only Usher's godfather, but his biological father as well: look at clips of Usher in "Chicago" on Broadway, or his dance number in the movie "Gepetto," and you can see not only a strong physical resemblance between the two multi-hyphenates, but a distinct

Yes. Husband's rape-fantasy edging into rape tipped off a flashback to her father molesting her during an eclipse as a child.

"Why, you're nothing but moooOOOOOooonlight!"