
There's a play I saw recently called "Tru," whose entire premise is "Truman Capote has an astonishingly bad Christmas." The great Broadway actor Eddie Korbich channeled Truman's bizarre almost self-parody, and it was a decidedly morbid evening. Basically you wait for him to kill himself, but know he's not going to

What I like to imagine is that she turned in a gritty, dysfunctional eighth Potter outline, in the vein of her more recent work. Ron can't stop banging hookers, Harry has a drug problem and shoots up at the Ministry and there's a long, disturbing chapter about Hermione masturbating.

Scorpius is so much Fake Ron it hurts, and Albus is Fake Worst-Era Harry.

Ben Hung.

Miles Teller looks like he's just Joseph Gordon-Levitt doing a bad Robert De Niro face.

Fifty years later, calling someone "Pony-boy" means something a little different.

He's working on an album with Lynyrd Skynyrd.

A lost Bowie album IS being released this year. The original version of "Young Americans" had a heavier Philly black-soul influence and less blue-eyed British veneer. The original version, called "The Gouster," will be released this fall as part of the Bowie reissue/remaster series.

How does one "get into" Star Wars or Lord of the Rings? They just do.

Jill Pill may recur, hopefully, in the next seasons. I wouldn't mind seeing her put to better use.
Basically, though, the show is a smart, absurdist dramedy with strong feminist opinions and notable voiceover opportunities. That's like a Ouija board for summoning Mara WIlson.

I see what the problem is. You had Pikachus.

I would enjoy an ABBA biopic, especially with the writers of BoJack Horseman onboard. They get the mix of cheerful absurdism and really dark emotional psychodrama that made the band cook behind the scenes. It's hard to imagine uncomfortable laughter not coming from Agnetha's descent into bizarre paranoia, which is

Simply saying "WURsttt. Guestappearance. Evverrrr."

Coincidentally enough, she looks like a cross between Barbra Streisand and that one picture of Jennifer Aniston made up as Barbra Streisand.

For the past six years, I've been what's known as the "double agent." I am in the show but on the side of the audience; any time I am not onstage, I am sitting in a reserved chair in the front row, heckling like crazy. The cast does not know what I will say, but I've been rehearsing with them for three weeks, so I

So all we really know for sure is Danny DeVito will not be involved, then?

Legends is hugely Miyazaki influenced- it's the closest thing we got to a true Ghibli-style video game.

It's the same thing in Broadway. It's rather hard to point to a show that either Harvey Fierstein, Terrence McNally or David Henry Hwang wasn't called in to "sweeten" the script before it opened. Neil Simon used to be the go-to guy a few decades ago.

If you look at the words of the Team Rocket Motto, it's a distinctly Objectivist philosophy: save the world, unite the populace, denounce emotionalism and faith, extend scope of power, eliminate rivals.

The Broadway version is set in an Agrabah that is not only the Vegas version of the Middle East, it's sort of implied to BE Las Vegas. It's got a very multiethnic cast, leaning heavily on a nonspecific mix of people of color in the leads a la "Hamilton." Rather than go the "Beauty and the Beast" route, and deepen the