
I had a biology teacher in high school who was asked if the Virgin Birth (or any virgin birth at all) was physically possible. Basically, he said, the physical process to do so would require a mutation and series of genetic quirks a single degree away from impossible within a human body. "Like a one in a million

Fun Showbiz Tales #2: When I did "Rock of Ages," I was male swing but played an ensemble character track, including a sleazy wigger/Milli Vanilli record producer. Our lead guy blew his voice out before the matinee, and I pit-sang him in Act 1 while my character spent most of the time offstage. In Act 2, I was onstage

The producers of the NBC Live Musical are allegedly working on doing BOMBSHELL on Broadway, after a one-night-only concert version was a surprise success. I hope Hilty isn't too busy to play Marilyn, opposite someone who sings like McPhee but acts better to play Norma Jean.
A lot of theatre people think Hilty should be

They're reinventing themselves, and somewhat successfully so far, as the network for female-oriented comedy and dramedy.

Robert Carlyle is playing a fantastic 80's horror character pastiche on "Once Upon a Time," to the extent that sometimes he seemed to be in a different show than any other character.

"I Walked With a Zombie" is a great Halloween song and the most pure, almost stupid homage to the Jersey Boardwalk Sound in rock. It's like a brain damaged Bruce Springsteen.
I used to play the song with one of my bands, before transitioning into an equally raucous "Stand By Me" at the climax.

The exact perfect amount of "Ghostbusters Theme" is this: play "Uptown Funk" as normal, and then replace the final line, "Uptown funk you up/(du du du dum) Yaaah!" with "Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?"

My honest guess was Chuck Lorre.

That's actually the punchline of my favorite New Yorker cartoon ever- Mrs. Claus, arguing with her husband: "You've had the job for 1000 years… let Idris Elba be Santa Claus now!"

After seeing him in that "Seven Days in Hell" mockumentary, it's impossible to not see him as a mindless numpty.

In Juggalo land, all hamsters are the Kia Hamsters.

Dale's warm, reassuring voice as narrator of Pushing Daisies and Harry Potter left me completely unprepared for seeing him as the cynical old punk running a disability scam and raging nihilistically at the universe in "The Threepenny Opera." I saw him with Alan Cumming, Ana Gasteyer, Cyndi Lauper and Nellie McKay.

For whatever reason, I just took a complete Word document of the six original Star Wars films and find-replaced any occurrence of the word "it" with "evil clown Pennywise." The results are variable…

Curry's voice sounds like exactly what it is: the voice of someone who is equal parts rock star and movie star. Like if Mick Jagger had become who he wanted to become, he would have become Tim Curry.

I'm Hispanic on my mother's side, and the attitude on mental health is vastly different between the two cultural groups. On the mixed Euro-mutt side, everyone talks about their feelings and goes to therapy and takes antidepressants. On the Hispanic side, it's not viewed as weakness but as a fact of life. "Oh. You're

The Mothra Stewart test is the new Bechdel test. How many movies in the past ten years would pass? King Kong… the upcoming King Kong reboot… so there's two.

Imagine an alternate universe where Tatiana Maslany got the role.

I prefer the unrelenting weirdness of Facebook Messenger stickers, especially Bun, the Bunny with Human Teeth.

Well, to be fair, LMM is the more famous performer doing the role of Hamilton, but he splits the role with his mouthpiece, Javi Munoz (much as he did during "In the Heights"), so a ticket between now and then was no guarantee of seeing him either.
For the record, LMM is more famous and cooler/charismatic, but few

At my day job for the government, we have lunch parties a lot. They're potluck- people bring in a dish each, and they usually have a theme. Back in April, we had a "baseball season" themed lunch party, and somebody brought in about twenty packs of Big League Chew. Since no one else wanted them, I took them to keep the